no code implementations • 31 Mar 2022 • Muhammad Ammar Malik, Alexander S. Lundervold, Tom Michoel
Moreover, random forests identified additional SNPs that were not prioritized by the linear models but are known to be associated with brain-related disorders.
no code implementations • 29 Oct 2021 • Muhammad Ammar Malik, Adriaan-Alexander Ludl, Tom Michoel
Multi-trait genome-wide association studies (GWAS) use multi-variate statistical methods to identify associations between genetic variants and multiple correlated traits simultaneously, and have higher statistical power than independent univariate analyses of traits.
1 code implementation • 6 May 2020 • Muhammad Ammar Malik, Tom Michoel
Based on this result we propose a restricted maximum-likelihood method which estimates the latent variables by maximizing the likelihood on the restricted subspace orthogonal to the known confounding factors, and show that this reduces to probabilistic PCA on that subspace.