Search Results for author: Muhammad Iqbal Rochman

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Data Driven Environmental Awareness Using Wireless Signals for Efficient Spectrum Sharing

no code implementations17 Oct 2024 Hossein Nasiri, Seda Dogan-Tusha, Muhammad Iqbal Rochman, Monisha Ghosh

Robust classification of the operational environment of wireless devices is becoming increasingly important for wireless network optimization, particularly in a shared spectrum environment.

Classification Robust classification

Machine Learning enabled Spectrum Sharing in Dense LTE-U/Wi-Fi Coexistence Scenarios

no code implementations18 Mar 2020 Adam Dziedzic, Vanlin Sathya, Muhammad Iqbal Rochman, Monisha Ghosh, Sanjay Krishnan

The promise of ML techniques in solving non-linear problems influenced this work which aims to apply known ML techniques and develop new ones for wireless spectrum sharing between Wi-Fi and LTE in the unlicensed spectrum.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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