Search Results for author: Muhammad Shaban

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

Multimodal Whole Slide Foundation Model for Pathology

1 code implementation29 Nov 2024 Tong Ding, Sophia J. Wagner, Andrew H. Song, Richard J. Chen, Ming Y. Lu, Andrew Zhang, Anurag J. Vaidya, Guillaume Jaume, Muhammad Shaban, Ahrong Kim, Drew F. K. Williamson, Bowen Chen, Cristina Almagro-Perez, Paul Doucet, Sharifa Sahai, Chengkuan Chen, Daisuke Komura, Akihiro Kawabe, Shumpei Ishikawa, Georg Gerber, Tingying Peng, Long Phi Le, Faisal Mahmood

The field of computational pathology has been transformed with recent advances in foundation models that encode histopathology region-of-interests (ROIs) into versatile and transferable feature representations via self-supervised learning (SSL).

Cross-Modal Retrieval Retrieval +2

Pan-Cancer Integrative Histology-Genomic Analysis via Interpretable Multimodal Deep Learning

1 code implementation4 Aug 2021 Richard J. Chen, Ming Y. Lu, Drew F. K. Williamson, Tiffany Y. Chen, Jana Lipkova, Muhammad Shaban, Maha Shady, Mane Williams, Bumjin Joo, Zahra Noor, Faisal Mahmood

To validate that these model explanations are prognostic, we further analyzed high attention morphological regions in WSIs, which indicates that tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte presence corroborates with favorable cancer prognosis on 9 out of 14 cancer types studied.

Deep Learning Multimodal Deep Learning +1

Whole Slide Images are 2D Point Clouds: Context-Aware Survival Prediction using Patch-based Graph Convolutional Networks

1 code implementation27 Jul 2021 Richard J. Chen, Ming Y. Lu, Muhammad Shaban, Chengkuan Chen, Tiffany Y. Chen, Drew F. K. Williamson, Faisal Mahmood

Cancer prognostication is a challenging task in computational pathology that requires context-aware representations of histology features to adequately infer patient survival.

Survival Prediction whole slide images

A digital score of tumour-associated stroma infiltrating lymphocytes predicts survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

no code implementations16 Apr 2021 Muhammad Shaban, Shan E Ahmed Raza, Mariam Hassan, Arif Jamshed, Sajid Mushtaq, Asif Loya, Nikolaos Batis, Jill Brooks, Paul Nankivell, Neil Sharma, Max Robinson, Hisham Mehanna, Syed Ali Khurram, Nasir Rajpoot

In this study, our aim is to explore the prognostic significance of tumour-associated stroma infiltrating lymphocytes (TASILs) in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) through an AI based automated method.

Clinical Knowledge whole slide images

CGC-Net: Cell Graph Convolutional Network for Grading of Colorectal Cancer Histology Images

1 code implementation3 Sep 2019 Yanning Zhou, Simon Graham, Navid Alemi Koohbanani, Muhammad Shaban, Pheng-Ann Heng, Nasir Rajpoot

Furthermore, to deal with redundancy in the graph, we propose a sampling technique that removes nodes in areas of dense nuclear activity.

Context-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Grading of Colorectal Cancer Histology Images

no code implementations22 Jul 2019 Muhammad Shaban, Ruqayya Awan, Muhammad Moazam Fraz, Ayesha Azam, David Snead, Nasir M. Rajpoot

Digital histology images are amenable to the application of convolutional neural network (CNN) for analysis due to the sheer size of pixel data present in them.

Cancer Classification Representation Learning

Representation-Aggregation Networks for Segmentation of Multi-Gigapixel Histology Images

no code implementations27 Jul 2017 Abhinav Agarwalla, Muhammad Shaban, Nasir M. Rajpoot

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models have become the state-of-the-art for most computer vision tasks with natural images.

Representation Learning Segmentation +1

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