Search Results for author: Mukesh Singhal

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

VQUNet: Vector Quantization U-Net for Defending Adversarial Atacks by Regularizing Unwanted Noise

no code implementations5 Jun 2024 Zhixun He, Mukesh Singhal

The empirical experiments show that the proposed VQUNet provides better robustness to the target DNN models, and it outperforms other state-of-the-art noise-reduction-based defense methods under various adversarial attacks for both Fashion-MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets.

Adversarial Attack Quantization +1

Stochastic Induction of Decision Trees with Application to Learning Haar Tree

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Azar Alizadeh, Pooya Tavallali, Vahid Behzadan, Mukesh Singhal

Experimentally, the algorithm is compared with several other related state-of-the-art decision tree learning methods, including the baseline non-stochastic approach.

Synthetic Reduced Nearest Neighbor Model for Regression

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Pooya Tavallali, Vahid Behzadan, Mukesh Singhal

This algorithm is comprised of two steps: (1) The assignment step, where assignments of the samples to each centroid is found and the target response (i. e., prediction) of each centroid is determined; and (2) the update/centroid step, where each centroid is updated such that the loss function of the entire model is minimized.

Binary Classification regression

L-SR1 Adaptive Regularization by Cubics for Deep Learning

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Aditya Ranganath, Mukesh Singhal, Roummel Marcia

To avoid these points, directions of negative curvature can be utilized, which requires computing the second-derivative matrix.

Computational Efficiency Deep Learning

Adversarial Poisoning Attacks and Defense for General Multi-Class Models Based On Synthetic Reduced Nearest Neighbors

no code implementations11 Feb 2021 Pooya Tavallali, Vahid Behzadan, Peyman Tavallali, Mukesh Singhal

Through extensive experimental analysis, we demonstrate that (i) the proposed attack technique can deteriorate the accuracy of several models drastically, and (ii) under the proposed attack, the proposed defense technique significantly outperforms other conventional machine learning models in recovering the accuracy of the targeted model.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Data Poisoning

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