Search Results for author: Munindar Singh

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Pixie: Preference in Implicit and Explicit Comparisons

1 code implementation ACL 2022 Amanul Haque, Vaibhav Garg, Hui Guo, Munindar Singh

We present Pixie, a manually annotated dataset for preference classification comprising 8, 890 sentences drawn from app reviews.


LOLgorithm: Integrating Semantic,Syntactic and Contextual Elements for Humor Classification

no code implementations12 Aug 2024 Tanisha Khurana, Kaushik Pillalamarri, Vikram Pande, Munindar Singh

This paper explores humor detection through a linguistic lens, prioritizing syntactic, semantic, and contextual features over computational methods in Natural Language Processing.

Feature Engineering Humor Detection +1

Limbic: Author-Based Sentiment Aspect Modeling Regularized with Word Embeddings and Discourse Relations

no code implementations EMNLP 2018 Zhe Zhang, Munindar Singh

We propose Limbic, an unsupervised probabilistic model that addresses the problem of discovering aspects and sentiments and associating them with authors of opinionated texts.

Diversity General Classification +6

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