Search Results for author: Mustafa Nasir-Moin

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Learn like a Pathologist: Curriculum Learning by Annotator Agreement for Histopathology Image Classification

no code implementations29 Sep 2020 Jerry Wei, Arief Suriawinata, Bing Ren, Xiaoying Liu, Mikhail Lisovsky, Louis Vaickus, Charles Brown, Michael Baker, Mustafa Nasir-Moin, Naofumi Tomita, Lorenzo Torresani, Jason Wei, Saeed Hassanpour

Based on the nature of histopathology images, a range of difficulty inherently exists among examples, and, since medical datasets are often labeled by multiple annotators, annotator agreement can be used as a natural proxy for the difficulty of a given example.

General Classification Image Classification

Difficulty Translation in Histopathology Images

1 code implementation27 Apr 2020 Jerry Wei, Arief Suriawinata, Xiaoying Liu, Bing Ren, Mustafa Nasir-Moin, Naofumi Tomita, Jason Wei, Saeed Hassanpour

Our model comprises a scorer, which provides an output confidence to measure the difficulty of images, and an image translator, which learns to translate images from easy-to-classify to hard-to-classify using a training set defined by the scorer.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Translation

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