no code implementations • 8 Mar 2024 • Kuo Xu, Maoyu Wang, Muyu Wang, Lincong Feng, Tianhui Zhang, Xiaoli Liu
Moreover, background noise frequently arises in high-resolution texture synthesis, limiting the practical application of these generation technologies. In this work, we propose a high-resolution and high-fidelity texture restoration technique that uses the rough texture as the initial input to enhance the consistency between the synthetic texture and the initial texture, thereby overcoming the issues of aliasing and blurring caused by the user's structure simplification operations.
no code implementations • 16 Nov 2023 • Lincong Feng, Muyu Wang, Maoyu Wang, Kuo Xu, Xiaoli Liu
In the second stage, we concentrate on fine-tuning the geometry and optimizing the texture, thereby achieving a more refined 3D object.
no code implementations • 27 Sep 2023 • Muyu Wang, Shiyu Fan, Yichen Li, Hui Chen
This study aimed to develop an efficient multi-modal fusion architecture for medical data that was robust to missing modalities and further improved the performance on disease diagnosis. X-ray chest radiographs for the image modality, radiology reports for the text modality, and structured value data for the tabular data modality were fused in this study.
no code implementations • 12 Apr 2023 • Xian Wei, Muyu Wang, Shing-Ho Jonathan Lin, Zhengyu Li, Jian Yang, Arafat Al-Jawari, Xuan Tang
At first, the MGT divides point cloud data into patches with multiple scales.