Search Results for author: Myunghun Jung

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

AdaMS: Deep Metric Learning with Adaptive Margin and Adaptive Scale for Acoustic Word Discrimination

no code implementations26 Oct 2022 Myunghun Jung, Hoirin Kim

Many recent loss functions in deep metric learning are expressed with logarithmic and exponential forms, and they involve margin and scale as essential hyper-parameters.

Metric Learning

Asymmetric Proxy Loss for Multi-View Acoustic Word Embeddings

no code implementations30 Mar 2022 Myunghun Jung, Hoirin Kim

Acoustic word embeddings (AWEs) are discriminative representations of speech segments, and learned embedding space reflects the phonetic similarity between words.

Metric Learning MULTI-VIEW LEARNING +2

Multi-Task Network for Noise-Robust Keyword Spotting and Speaker Verification using CTC-based Soft VAD and Global Query Attention

no code implementations8 May 2020 Myunghun Jung, Youngmoon Jung, Jahyun Goo, Hoirin Kim

Keyword spotting (KWS) and speaker verification (SV) have been studied independently although it is known that acoustic and speaker domains are complementary.

Action Detection Activity Detection +2

Improving Multi-Scale Aggregation Using Feature Pyramid Module for Robust Speaker Verification of Variable-Duration Utterances

no code implementations7 Apr 2020 Youngmoon Jung, Seong Min Kye, Yeunju Choi, Myunghun Jung, Hoirin Kim

In this approach, we obtain a speaker embedding vector by pooling single-scale features that are extracted from the last layer of a speaker feature extractor.

Text-Independent Speaker Verification

Additional Shared Decoder on Siamese Multi-view Encoders for Learning Acoustic Word Embeddings

no code implementations1 Oct 2019 Myunghun Jung, Hyungjun Lim, Jahyun Goo, Youngmoon Jung, Hoirin Kim

Acoustic word embeddings --- fixed-dimensional vector representations of arbitrary-length words --- have attracted increasing interest in query-by-example spoken term detection.

Decoder speech-recognition +3

Learning acoustic word embeddings with phonetically associated triplet network

no code implementations7 Nov 2018 Hyungjun Lim, Younggwan Kim, Youngmoon Jung, Myunghun Jung, Hoirin Kim

Previous researches on acoustic word embeddings used in query-by-example spoken term detection have shown remarkable performance improvements when using a triplet network.

Triplet Word Embeddings

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