Search Results for author: Naimul Khan

Found 31 papers, 14 papers with code

Temporal Feature Weaving for Neonatal Echocardiographic Viewpoint Video Classification

1 code implementation7 Jan 2025 Satchel French, Faith Zhu, Amish Jain, Naimul Khan

Automated viewpoint classification in echocardiograms can help under-resourced clinics and hospitals in providing faster diagnosis and screening when expert technicians may not be available.

Classification Image Classification +1

A Dynamically Weighted Loss Function for Unsupervised Image Segmentation

no code implementations17 Mar 2024 Boujemaa Guermazi, Riadh Ksantini, Naimul Khan

This work presents an improved version of an unsupervised Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based algorithm that uses a constant weight factor to balance between the segmentation criteria of feature similarity and spatial continuity, and it requires continuous manual adjustment of parameters depending on the degree of detail in the image and the dataset.

Image Segmentation Segmentation +2

Structure Preserving Cycle-GAN for Unsupervised Medical Image Domain Adaptation

no code implementations18 Apr 2023 Paolo Iacono, Naimul Khan

SP Cycle-GAN achieved a state of the art Myocardium segmentation Dice score (DSC) of 0. 7435 for the MR to CT MM-WHS domain adaptation problem, and excelled in nearly all categories for the MM-WHS dataset.

Myocardium Segmentation Segmentation +1

Lightweight and Interpretable Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Estimation using Mobile U-Net

1 code implementation17 Apr 2023 Meghan Muldoon, Naimul Khan

This paper presents a deep learning based framework to automatically estimate left ventricular ejection fraction from an entire 4-chamber apical echocardiogram video.

Classification of Lung Pathologies in Neonates using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform

no code implementations14 Feb 2023 Sagarjit Aujla, Adel Mohamed, Ryan Tan, Randy Tan, Lei Gao, Naimul Khan, Karthikeyan Umapathy

Likewise, the proposed method achieved a maximum per-subject classification accuracy of 81. 53% with 43 DTCWT features and 3 clinical features using the balanced dataset and 64. 97% with 13 DTCWT features and 3 clinical features using the unbalanced dataset.

Image Classification Respiratory Failure

Pan-Tompkins++: A Robust Approach to Detect R-peaks in ECG Signals

1 code implementation6 Nov 2022 Naimul Khan, Md Niaz Imtiaz

We achieve 2. 8% and 1. 8% reduction in FP and FN, respectively, and 2. 2% increase in F-score on average across four datasets, with 33% reduction in execution time.

Arrhythmia Detection Heart Rate Variability

A Survey on Physiological Signal Based Emotion Recognition

no code implementations20 May 2022 Zeeshan Ahmad, Naimul Khan

Existing review papers on emotion recognition based on physiological signals surveyed only the regular steps involved in the workflow of emotion recognition such as preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification.

Emotion Recognition Survey

Edge-preserving Domain Adaptation for semantic segmentation of Medical Images

no code implementations18 Nov 2021 Thong Vo, Naimul Khan

Domain Adaptation is a technique to address the lack of massive amounts of labeled data in unseen environments.

Segmentation Semantic Segmentation +1

Interactive segmentation using U-Net with weight map and dynamic user interactions

no code implementations18 Nov 2021 Ragavie Pirabaharan, Naimul Khan

Interactive segmentation has recently attracted attention for specialized tasks where expert input is required to further enhance the segmentation performance.

Interactive Segmentation Segmentation

Online unsupervised Learning for domain shift in COVID-19 CT scan datasets

1 code implementation31 Jul 2021 Nicolas Ewen, Naimul Khan

When changes are made in the process of medical imaging, trained networks may not perform as well, and obtaining large amounts of expert annotations for each change in the imaging process can be time consuming and expensive.

ECG Heartbeat Classification Using Multimodal Fusion

1 code implementation21 Jul 2021 Zeeshan Ahmad, Anika Tabassum, Ling Guan, Naimul Khan

We achieved classification accuracy of 99. 7% and 99. 2% on arrhythmia and MI classification, respectively.

Classification Heartbeat Classification

Multi-level Stress Assessment from ECG in a Virtual Reality Environment using Multimodal Fusion

no code implementations9 Jul 2021 Zeeshan Ahmad, Suha Rabbani, Muhammad Rehman Zafar, Syem Ishaque, Sridhar Krishnan, Naimul Khan

In this paper, we report our findings on a new study on VR stress assessment, where three stress levels are assessed.

Inertial Sensor Data To Image Encoding For Human Action Recognition

no code implementations28 May 2021 Zeeshan Ahmad, Naimul Khan

To get the maximum advantage of CNN model for Human Action Recognition (HAR) using inertial sensor data, in this paper, we use 4 types of spatial domain methods for transforming inertial sensor data to activity images, which are then utilized in a novel fusion framework.

Action Recognition Temporal Action Localization

ECG Heart-beat Classification Using Multimodal Image Fusion

no code implementations28 May 2021 Zeeshan Ahmad, Anika Tabassum, Naimul Khan, Ling Guan

In this paper, we present a novel Image Fusion Model (IFM) for ECG heart-beat classification to overcome the weaknesses of existing machine learning techniques that rely either on manual feature extraction or direct utilization of 1D raw ECG signal.


Motion Vector Extrapolation for Video Object Detection

1 code implementation18 Apr 2021 Julian True, Naimul Khan

Despite the continued successes of computationally efficient deep neural network architectures for video object detection, performance continually arrives at the great trilemma of speed versus accuracy versus computational resources (pick two).

Motion Estimation Object +3

Targeted Self Supervision for Classification on a Small COVID-19 CT Scan Dataset

1 code implementation20 Nov 2020 Nicolas Ewen, Naimul Khan

A total of 10 experiments are run comparing the classification performance of the proposed method of self supervision with different amounts of data.

Classification General Classification

CNN based Multistage Gated Average Fusion (MGAF) for Human Action Recognition Using Depth and Inertial Sensors

1 code implementation29 Oct 2020 Zeeshan Ahmad, Naimul Khan

Experiments on three publicly available multimodal HAR datasets demonstrate that the proposed MGAF outperforms the previous state of the art fusion methods for depth-inertial HAR in terms of recognition accuracy while being computationally much more efficient.

Action Recognition Temporal Action Localization

Interpreting Uncertainty in Model Predictions For COVID-19 Diagnosis

no code implementations26 Oct 2020 Gayathiri Murugamoorthy, Naimul Khan

COVID-19, due to its accelerated spread has brought in the need to use assistive tools for faster diagnosis in addition to typical lab swab testing.

COVID-19 Diagnosis

Multidomain Multimodal Fusion For Human Action Recognition Using Inertial Sensors

no code implementations22 Aug 2020 Zeeshan Ahmad, Naimul Khan

One of the major reasons for misclassification of multiplex actions during action recognition is the unavailability of complementary features that provide the semantic information about the actions.

Action Recognition Temporal Action Localization

Towards Improved Human Action Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Multimodal Fusion of Depth and Inertial Sensor Data

no code implementations22 Aug 2020 Zeeshan Ahmad, Naimul Khan

The recognition accuracies of each modality, depth data alone and sensor data alone are also calculated and compared with fusion based accuracies to highlight the fact that fusion of modalities yields better results than individual modalities.

Action Recognition Temporal Action Localization

An Efficient Confidence Measure-Based Evaluation Metric for Breast Cancer Screening Using Bayesian Neural Networks

1 code implementation12 Aug 2020 Anika Tabassum, Naimul Khan

We show that by providing the medical practitioners with a tool to tune two hyperparameters of the Bayesian neural network, namely, fraction of sampled number of networks and minimum probability, the framework can be adapted as needed by the domain expert.

Image Classification Transfer Learning

Multi-level Stress Assessment Using Multi-domain Fusion of ECG Signal

no code implementations12 Aug 2020 Zeeshan Ahmad, Naimul Khan

To get the maximum advantage of fusing diferent domains, we introduce a dataset with multiple stress levels and then classify these levels using a novel deep learning approach by converting ECG signal into signal images based on R-R peaks without any feature extraction.

Facial Expression Recognition Under Partial Occlusion from Virtual Reality Headsets based on Transfer Learning

1 code implementation12 Aug 2020 Bita Houshmand, Naimul Khan

In this paper we attempt to overcome these issues and focus on facial expression recognition in presence of a severe occlusion where the user is wearing a head-mounted display in a VR setting.

Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition (FER) +1

Locality Guided Neural Networks for Explainable Artificial Intelligence

no code implementations12 Jul 2020 Randy Tan, Naimul Khan, Ling Guan

Heavily motivated by Self-Organizing Map (SOM), the goal is to enforce a local topology on each layer of a deep network such that neighbouring neurons are highly correlated with each other.

Explainable artificial intelligence Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) +1

Towards Alzheimer's Disease Classification through Transfer Learning

1 code implementation29 Nov 2017 Marcia Hon, Naimul Khan

Detection of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) from neuroimaging data such as MRI through machine learning have been a subject of intense research in recent years.

Classification General Classification +1

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