Search Results for author: Nalini Singh

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Deep-ER: Deep Learning ECCENTRIC Reconstruction for fast high-resolution neurometabolic imaging

no code implementations26 Sep 2024 Paul Weiser, Georg Langs, Wolfgang Bogner, Stanislav Motyka, Bernhard Strasser, Polina Golland, Nalini Singh, Jorg Dietrich, Erik Uhlmann, Tracy Batchelor, Daniel Cahill, Malte Hoffmann, Antoine Klauser, Ovidiu C. Andronesi

Methods: Fast high-resolution whole-brain metabolic imaging was performed at 3. 4 mm$^3$ isotropic resolution with acquisition times between 4:11-9:21 min:s using ECCENTRIC pulse sequence on a 7T MRI scanner.

UncertaINR: Uncertainty Quantification of End-to-End Implicit Neural Representations for Computed Tomography

1 code implementation22 Feb 2022 Francisca Vasconcelos, Bobby He, Nalini Singh, Yee Whye Teh

To that end, we study a Bayesian reformulation of INRs, UncertaINR, in the context of computed tomography, and evaluate several Bayesian deep learning implementations in terms of accuracy and calibration.

Computed Tomography (CT) Decision Making +2

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