Search Results for author: Nan Xiao

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

A Reinforcement Learning-Based Automatic Video Editing Method Using Pre-trained Vision-Language Model

no code implementations7 Nov 2024 Panwen Hu, Nan Xiao, Feifei Li, Yongquan Chen, Rui Huang

In this era of videos, automatic video editing techniques attract more and more attention from industry and academia since they can reduce workloads and lower the requirements for human editors.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

APT-MMF: An advanced persistent threat actor attribution method based on multimodal and multilevel feature fusion

no code implementations20 Feb 2024 Nan Xiao, Bo Lang, Ting Wang, Yikai Chen

Cyber threat intelligence (CTI), which involves analyzing multisource heterogeneous data from APTs, plays an important role in APT actor attribution.

Attribute Graph Attention

The Rockerverse: Packages and Applications for Containerization with R

1 code implementation29 Jan 2020 Daniel Nüst, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Dom Bennett, Robrecht Cannoodt, Dav Clark, Gergely Daroczi, Mark Edmondson, Colin Fay, Ellis Hughes, Sean Lopp, Ben Marwick, Heather Nolis, Jacqueline Nolis, Hong Ooi, Karthik Ram, Noam Ross, Lori Shepherd, Nitesh Turaga, Craig Willis, Nan Xiao, Charlotte Van Petegem

The Rocker Project provides widely-used Docker images for R across different application scenarios.

Software Engineering Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing 68N01 D.2.6; D.2.7; K.6.3

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