Search Results for author: Nan Xie

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

AgentCourt: Simulating Court with Adversarial Evolvable Lawyer Agents

1 code implementation15 Aug 2024 Guhong Chen, Liyang Fan, Zihan Gong, Nan Xie, Zixuan Li, Ziqiang Liu, Chengming Li, Qiang Qu, Shiwen Ni, Min Yang

Our core goal is to enable lawyer agents to learn how to argue a case, as well as improving their overall legal skills, through courtroom process simulation.

Design of optical voltage sensor based on electric field regulation and rotating isomerism electrode

no code implementations14 Jun 2022 Jun Li, Yifan Lin, Nan Xie

This technology could shift the measured signal frequency band from near 50 Hz moved to several kilometer Hz, so as to make the output signal avoid the interference from low-frequency temperature drift, stress birefringence and vibration, leading to higher stability and reliability.

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