Search Results for author: Nathaniel Harms

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Testing Support Size More Efficiently Than Learning Histograms

no code implementations24 Oct 2024 Renato Ferreira Pinto Jr., Nathaniel Harms

The best known upper bound for problem (1) uses a general algorithm for learning the histogram of the distribution $p$, which requires $\Theta(\tfrac{n}{\epsilon^2 \log n})$ samples.

VC Dimension and Distribution-Free Sample-Based Testing

no code implementations7 Dec 2020 Eric Blais, Renato Ferreira Pinto Jr., Nathaniel Harms

Conversely, we show that two natural classes of functions, juntas and monotone functions, can be tested with a number of samples that is polynomially smaller than the number of samples required for PAC learning.

PAC learning

Downsampling for Testing and Learning in Product Distributions

no code implementations15 Jul 2020 Nathaniel Harms, Yuichi Yoshida

For many important classes of functions, such as intersections of halfspaces, polynomial threshold functions, convex sets, and $k$-alternating functions, the known algorithms either have complexity that depends on the support size of the distribution, or are proven to work only for specific examples of product distributions.

Testing Halfspaces over Rotation-Invariant Distributions

no code implementations31 Oct 2018 Nathaniel Harms

We present an algorithm for testing halfspaces over arbitrary, unknown rotation-invariant distributions.

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