Search Results for author: Neelabhro Roy

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Semantically Optimized End-to-End Learning for Positional Telemetry in Vehicular Scenarios

no code implementations5 May 2023 Neelabhro Roy, Samie Mostafavi, James Gross

Such a scenario could be illustrated for instance, in vehicular communications where the distance is to be conveyed between a leader and a follower.

ROSNet: A WMN based Framework using UAVs and Ground Nodes for Post-Disaster Management

1 code implementation IEEE Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) 2021 Neelabhro Roy, Sauranil Debarshi, P.B. Sujit

This paper presents a wireless mesh network-based solution utilizing stationary and mobile ground/UAV nodes for setting up a post disaster communication infrastructure.


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