Search Results for author: Negin Golrezaei

Found 14 papers, 1 papers with code

Learning in Repeated Multi-Unit Pay-As-Bid Auctions

no code implementations27 Jul 2023 Rigel Galgana, Negin Golrezaei

Motivated by Carbon Emissions Trading Schemes, Treasury Auctions, Procurement Auctions, and Wholesale Electricity Markets, which all involve the auctioning of homogeneous multiple units, we consider the problem of learning how to bid in repeated multi-unit pay-as-bid auctions.

Online Resource Allocation with Convex-set Machine-Learned Advice

no code implementations21 Jun 2023 Negin Golrezaei, Patrick Jaillet, Zijie Zhou

Specifically, in a C-Pareto optimal setting, we maximize the robust ratio while ensuring that the consistent ratio is at least C. Our proposed C-Pareto optimal algorithm is an adaptive protection level algorithm, which extends the classical fixed protection level algorithm introduced in Littlewood (2005) and Ball and Queyranne (2009).

Decision Making

Interpolating Item and User Fairness in Multi-Sided Recommendations

no code implementations12 Jun 2023 Qinyi Chen, Jason Cheuk Nam Liang, Negin Golrezaei, Djallel Bouneffouf

Today's online platforms heavily lean on algorithmic recommendations for bolstering user engagement and driving revenue.

Fairness Recommendation Systems

Multi-Platform Budget Management in Ad Markets with Non-IC Auctions

no code implementations12 Jun 2023 Fransisca Susan, Negin Golrezaei, Okke Schrijvers

Our strategy maximizes the expected total utility across auctions while satisfying the advertiser's budget constraints in expectation.


Multi-channel Autobidding with Budget and ROI Constraints

no code implementations3 Feb 2023 Yuan Deng, Negin Golrezaei, Patrick Jaillet, Jason Cheuk Nam Liang, Vahab Mirrokni

In light of this finding, under a bandit feedback setting that mimics real-world scenarios where advertisers have limited information on ad auctions in each channels and how channels procure ads, we present an efficient learning algorithm that produces per-channel budgets whose resulting conversion approximates that of the global optimal problem.

Non-Stationary Bandits with Auto-Regressive Temporal Dependency

no code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Qinyi Chen, Negin Golrezaei, Djallel Bouneffouf

Traditional multi-armed bandit (MAB) frameworks, predominantly examined under stochastic or adversarial settings, often overlook the temporal dynamics inherent in many real-world applications such as recommendation systems and online advertising.

Marketing Recommendation Systems +1

Active Learning for Non-Parametric Choice Models

no code implementations5 Aug 2022 Fransisca Susan, Negin Golrezaei, Ehsan Emamjomeh-Zadeh, David Kempe

To overcome the identifiability problem, we introduce a directed acyclic graph (DAG) representation of the choice model.

Active Learning

Online Learning via Offline Greedy Algorithms: Applications in Market Design and Optimization

no code implementations18 Feb 2021 Rad Niazadeh, Negin Golrezaei, Joshua Wang, Fransisca Susan, Ashwinkumar Badanidiyuru

We leverage this notion to transform greedy robust offline algorithms into a $O(T^{2/3})$ (approximate) regret in the bandit setting.

Decision Making Management

Learning Product Rankings Robust to Fake Users

no code implementations10 Sep 2020 Negin Golrezaei, Vahideh Manshadi, Jon Schneider, Shreyas Sekar

We first show that existing learning algorithms---that are optimal in the absence of fake users---may converge to highly sub-optimal rankings under manipulation by fake users.

Optimal Learning for Structured Bandits

1 code implementation14 Jul 2020 Bart P. G. Van Parys, Negin Golrezaei

We propose a novel learning algorithm that we call "DUSA" whose regret matches the information-theoretic regret lower bound up to a constant factor and can handle a wide range of structural information.

Decision Making Decision Making Under Uncertainty +1

Dynamic Incentive-aware Learning: Robust Pricing in Contextual Auctions

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Negin Golrezaei, Adel Javanmard, Vahab Mirrokni

Motivated by pricing in ad exchange markets, we consider the problem of robust learning of reserve prices against strategic buyers in repeated contextual second-price auctions.

Incentive-aware Contextual Pricing with Non-parametric Market Noise

no code implementations8 Nov 2019 Negin Golrezaei, Patrick Jaillet, Jason Cheuk Nam Liang

We show that this design allows the seller to control the number of periods in which buyers significantly corrupt their bids.

Contextual Bandits with Cross-learning

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Santiago Balseiro, Negin Golrezaei, Mohammad Mahdian, Vahab Mirrokni, Jon Schneider

We consider the variant of this problem where in addition to receiving the reward $r_{i, t}(c)$, the learner also learns the values of $r_{i, t}(c')$ for some other contexts $c'$ in set $\mathcal{O}_i(c)$; i. e., the rewards that would have been achieved by performing that action under different contexts $c'\in \mathcal{O}_i(c)$.

Multi-Armed Bandits

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