Search Results for author: Neil M. Robertson

Found 20 papers, 8 papers with code

Modelling Drug-Target Binding Affinity using a BERT based Graph Neural network

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Mark Lennox, Neil M. Robertson, Barry Devereux

In this paper, we seek to leverage a set of BERT-style models that have been pre-trained on vast quantities of both protein and drug data.

Graph Neural Network

Deep Learning Proteins using a Triplet-BERT network

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Mark Lennox, Neil M. Robertson, Barry Devereux

Modern sequencing technology has produced a vast quantity of proteomic data, which has been key to the development of various deep learning models within the field.

Deep Learning Triplet

FairFace Challenge at ECCV 2020: Analyzing Bias in Face Recognition

no code implementations16 Sep 2020 Tomáš Sixta, Julio C. S. Jacques Junior, Pau Buch-Cardona, Neil M. Robertson, Eduard Vazquez, Sergio Escalera

This work summarizes the 2020 ChaLearn Looking at People Fair Face Recognition and Analysis Challenge and provides a description of the top-winning solutions and analysis of the results.

Face Recognition Face Verification

An Image Analogies Approach for Multi-Scale Contour Detection

no code implementations21 Jul 2020 Slimane Larabi, Neil M. Robertson

Given such a reference image, we present a new method based on this expertise to locate contours of a query image in the same way that it is done for the reference (i. e by analogy).

Contour Detection Super-Resolution

Off-Policy Self-Critical Training for Transformer in Visual Paragraph Generation

no code implementations21 Jun 2020 Shi-Yang Yan, Yang Hua, Neil M. Robertson

We tackle this problem by proposing an off-policy RL learning algorithm where a behaviour policy represented by GRUs performs the sampling.

Image Captioning Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

ProSelfLC: Progressive Self Label Correction for Training Robust Deep Neural Networks

5 code implementations CVPR 2021 Xinshao Wang, Yang Hua, Elyor Kodirov, David A. Clifton, Neil M. Robertson

Keywords: entropy minimisation, maximum entropy, confidence penalty, self knowledge distillation, label correction, label noise, semi-supervised learning, output regularisation

Self-Knowledge Distillation

ID-aware Quality for Set-based Person Re-identification

1 code implementation20 Nov 2019 Xinshao Wang, Elyor Kodirov, Yang Hua, Neil M. Robertson

This way it can prevent overfitting to trivial images, and alleviate the influence of outliers.

Person Re-Identification


no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Xinshao Wang, Yang Hua, Elyor Kodirov, Neil M. Robertson

It is fundamental and challenging to train robust and accurate Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) when semantically abnormal examples exist.

Representation Learning

IMAE for Noise-Robust Learning: Mean Absolute Error Does Not Treat Examples Equally and Gradient Magnitude's Variance Matters

3 code implementations28 Mar 2019 Xinshao Wang, Yang Hua, Elyor Kodirov, Neil M. Robertson

In this work, we study robust deep learning against abnormal training data from the perspective of example weighting built in empirical loss functions, i. e., gradient magnitude with respect to logits, an angle that is not thoroughly studied so far.

Ranked #33 on Image Classification on Clothing1M (using extra training data)

Image Classification Video Retrieval

GAN-based Pose-aware Regulation for Video-based Person Re-identification

no code implementations27 Mar 2019 Alessandro Borgia, Yang Hua, Elyor Kodirov, Neil M. Robertson

Video-based person re-identification deals with the inherent difficulty of matching unregulated sequences with different length and with incomplete target pose/viewpoint structure.

Video-Based Person Re-Identification

Ranked List Loss for Deep Metric Learning

2 code implementations CVPR 2019 Xinshao Wang, Yang Hua, Elyor Kodirov, Neil M. Robertson

To address this, we propose to build a set-based similarity structure by exploiting all instances in the gallery.

Image Retrieval Metric Learning +3

Deep Metric Learning by Online Soft Mining and Class-Aware Attention

3 code implementations4 Nov 2018 Xinshao Wang, Yang Hua, Elyor Kodirov, Guosheng Hu, Neil M. Robertson

Therefore, we propose a novel sample mining method, called Online Soft Mining (OSM), which assigns one continuous score to each sample to make use of all samples in the mini-batch.

Metric Learning Semantic Similarity +2

Deep Convolutional Poses for Human Interaction Recognition in Monocular Videos

no code implementations13 Dec 2016 Marcel Sheeny de Moraes, Sankha Mukherjee, Neil M. Robertson

With the development of deep models for the human pose estimation problem, this work aims to verify the effectiveness of using the human pose in order to recognize the human interaction in monocular videos.

Human Interaction Recognition Pose Estimation

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