Search Results for author: Neil Yorke-Smith

Found 12 papers, 4 papers with code

Machine Learning Augmented Branch and Bound for Mixed Integer Linear Programming

no code implementations8 Feb 2024 Lara Scavuzzo, Karen Aardal, Andrea Lodi, Neil Yorke-Smith

We also address how to represent MILPs in the context of applying learning algorithms, MILP benchmarks and software.

Robust Optimal Control With Binary Adjustable Uncertainties

no code implementations18 Dec 2023 Yun Li, Neil Yorke-Smith, Tamas Keviczky

Robust Optimal Control (ROC) with adjustable uncertainties has proven to be effective in addressing critical challenges within modern energy networks, especially the reserve and provision problem.

Unlocking Energy Flexibility From Thermal Inertia of Buildings: A Robust Optimization Approach

no code implementations8 Dec 2023 Yun Li, Neil Yorke-Smith, Tamas Keviczky

In a first step, a robust optimization model is formulated for assessing the energy flexibility of buildings in the presence of uncertain predictions of external conditions, such as ambient temperature, solar irradiation, etc.


Mixed-Integer Optimisation of Graph Neural Networks for Computer-Aided Molecular Design

no code implementations2 Dec 2023 Tom McDonald, Calvin Tsay, Artur M. Schweidtmann, Neil Yorke-Smith

ReLU neural networks have been modelled as constraints in mixed integer linear programming (MILP), enabling surrogate-based optimisation in various domains and efficient solution of machine learning certification problems.

Robust Losses for Decision-Focused Learning

1 code implementation6 Oct 2023 Noah Schutte, Krzysztof Postek, Neil Yorke-Smith

To understand the impact of this deficiency, we evaluate the effect of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty on the accuracy of empirical regret as a surrogate.

Multi-Objective Linear Ensembles for Robust and Sparse Training of Few-Bit Neural Networks

1 code implementation7 Dec 2022 Ambrogio Maria Bernardelli, Stefano Gualandi, Hoong Chuin Lau, Simone Milanesi, Neil Yorke-Smith

We study the case of few-bit discrete-valued neural networks, both Binarized Neural Networks (BNNs), whose values are restricted to +-1, and Integer Neural Networks (INNs), whose values lie in a range {-P, ..., P}.

Combinatorial Optimization Few-Shot Learning

Learning to branch with Tree MDPs

1 code implementation23 May 2022 Lara Scavuzzo, Feng Yang Chen, Didier Chételat, Maxime Gasse, Andrea Lodi, Neil Yorke-Smith, Karen Aardal

State-of-the-art Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) solvers combine systematic tree search with a plethora of hard-coded heuristics, such as the branching rule.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Machine Learning for Combinatorial Optimisation of Partially-Specified Problems: Regret Minimisation as a Unifying Lens

no code implementations20 May 2022 Stefano Teso, Laurens Bliek, Andrea Borghesi, Michele Lombardi, Neil Yorke-Smith, Tias Guns, Andrea Passerini

The challenge is to learn them from available data, while taking into account a set of hard constraints that a solution must satisfy, and that solving the optimisation problem (esp.

Optimal training of integer-valued neural networks with mixed integer programming

1 code implementation8 Sep 2020 Tómas Thorbjarnarson, Neil Yorke-Smith

The second method addresses the amount of training data which MIP can feasibly handle: we provide a batch training method that dramatically increases the amount of data that MIP solvers can use to train.

A Study of Learning Search Approximation in Mixed Integer Branch and Bound: Node Selection in SCIP

no code implementations8 Jul 2020 Kaan Yilmaz, Neil Yorke-Smith

In line with the growing trend of using machine learning to help solve combinatorial optimisation problems, one promising idea is to improve node selection within a mixed integer programming (MIP) branch-and-bound tree by using a learned policy.

Imitation Learning

Towards a Framework for Certification of Reliable Autonomous Systems

no code implementations24 Jan 2020 Michael Fisher, Viviana Mascardi, Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff, Michael Winikoff, Neil Yorke-Smith

A computational system is called autonomous if it is able to make its own decisions, or take its own actions, without human supervision or control.

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