Search Results for author: Nicholas Ketz

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

An Online Data-Driven Emergency-Response Method for Autonomous Agents in Unforeseen Situations

no code implementations17 Dec 2021 Glenn Maguire, Nicholas Ketz, Praveen Pilly, Jean-Baptiste Mouret

We demonstrate the potential of this approach in a simulated 3D car driving scenario, in which the agent devises a response in under 2 seconds to avoid collisions with objects it has not seen during training.

Bayesian Optimization

Deep Reinforcement Learning with Modulated Hebbian plus Q Network Architecture

1 code implementation21 Sep 2019 Pawel Ladosz, Eseoghene Ben-Iwhiwhu, Jeffery Dick, Yang Hu, Nicholas Ketz, Soheil Kolouri, Jeffrey L. Krichmar, Praveen Pilly, Andrea Soltoggio

This paper presents a new neural architecture that combines a modulated Hebbian network (MOHN) with DQN, which we call modulated Hebbian plus Q network architecture (MOHQA).

Decision Making Deep Reinforcement Learning +2

Continual Learning Using World Models for Pseudo-Rehearsal

no code implementations6 Mar 2019 Nicholas Ketz, Soheil Kolouri, Praveen Pilly

Here we propose a method to continually learn these internal world models through the interleaving of internally generated episodes of past experiences (i. e., pseudo-rehearsal).

Atari Games Continual Learning +3

Attention-Based Structural-Plasticity

no code implementations2 Mar 2019 Soheil Kolouri, Nicholas Ketz, Xinyun Zou, Jeffrey Krichmar, Praveen Pilly

Catastrophic forgetting/interference is a critical problem for lifelong learning machines, which impedes the agents from maintaining their previously learned knowledge while learning new tasks.

Permuted-MNIST Split-MNIST

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