Search Results for author: Nicolas Honnorat

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Deep neural network heatmaps capture Alzheimer's disease patterns reported in a large meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies

no code implementations22 Jul 2022 Di Wang, Nicolas Honnorat, Peter T. Fox, Kerstin Ritter, Simon B. Eickhoff, Sudha Seshadri, Mohamad Habes

Deep neural networks currently provide the most advanced and accurate machine learning models to distinguish between structural MRI scans of subjects with Alzheimer's disease and healthy controls.

Variational AutoEncoder For Regression: Application to Brain Aging Analysis

2 code implementations11 Apr 2019 Qingyu Zhao, Ehsan Adeli, Nicolas Honnorat, Tuo Leng, Kilian M. Pohl

While unsupervised variational autoencoders (VAE) have become a powerful tool in neuroimage analysis, their application to supervised learning is under-explored.

Disentanglement regression +1

Truncated Gaussian-Mixture Variational AutoEncoder

no code implementations11 Feb 2019 Qingyu Zhao, Nicolas Honnorat, Ehsan Adeli, Kilian M. Pohl

In this paper we propose a novel generative process, in which we use a Gaussian-mixture to model a few major clusters in the data, and use a non-informative uniform distribution to capture the remaining data.

Clustering Functional Connectivity +1

Sparse Hierachical Extrapolated Parametric Methods for Cortical Data Analysis

no code implementations27 Apr 2017 Nicolas Honnorat, Christos Davatzikos

In this paper, we demonstrate how the structure of the ubiquitous icosahedral meshes can be exploited by data factorization methods such as sparse dictionary learning, and we assess the optimization speed-up offered by extrapolation methods in this context.

Dictionary Learning

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