Search Results for author: Nicolas Pilia

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Cobiveco: Consistent biventricular coordinates for precise and intuitive description of position in the heart -- with MATLAB implementation

1 code implementation4 Feb 2021 Steffen Schuler, Nicolas Pilia, Danila Potyagaylo, Axel Loewe

For the transfer of data between different hearts as another use case, the consistency of coordinate values across different geometries is particularly relevant.


Reconstruction of Potassium Concentrations with the ECG on Imbalanced Datasets

no code implementations9 Jun 2020 Nicolas Pilia, Cristiana Corsi, Stefano Severi, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe

By doing so, we tried to generate a model being suitable for the whole range of the concentrations. With weighting, errors are increasing for the whole dataset.

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