Search Results for author: Nicolas Prost

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

Linear predictor on linearly-generated data with missing values: non consistency and solutions

1 code implementation3 Feb 2020 Marine Le Morvan, Nicolas Prost, Julie Josse, Erwan Scornet, Gaël Varoquaux

In the particular Gaussian case, it can be written as a linear function of multiway interactions between the observed data and the various missing-value indicators.

Generalization Bounds Missing Values

On the consistency of supervised learning with missing values

3 code implementations19 Feb 2019 Julie Josse, Jacob M. Chen, Nicolas Prost, Erwan Scornet, Gaël Varoquaux

A striking result is that the widely-used method of imputing with a constant, such as the mean prior to learning is consistent when missing values are not informative.

Attribute Imputation +1

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