no code implementations • 13 Nov 2024 • Sasha Doubov, Nikhil Sardana, Vitaliy Chiley
Small, highly trained, open-source large language models are widely used due to their inference efficiency, but further improving their quality remains a challenge.
no code implementations • 31 Dec 2023 • Nikhil Sardana, Jacob Portes, Sasha Doubov, Jonathan Frankle
We modify the Chinchilla scaling laws to calculate the optimal LLM parameter count and pre-training data size to train and deploy a model of a given quality and inference demand.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2023 • Jacob Portes, Alex Trott, Sam Havens, Daniel King, Abhinav Venigalla, Moin Nadeem, Nikhil Sardana, Daya Khudia, Jonathan Frankle
Here, we introduce MosaicBERT, a BERT-style encoder architecture and training recipe that is empirically optimized for fast pretraining.
2 code implementations • ICLR 2022 • Archit Sharma, Kelvin Xu, Nikhil Sardana, Abhishek Gupta, Karol Hausman, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn
In this paper, we aim to address this discrepancy by laying out a framework for Autonomous Reinforcement Learning (ARL): reinforcement learning where the agent not only learns through its own experience, but also contends with lack of human supervision to reset between trials.
1 code implementation • 21 Oct 2021 • Vivek Myers, Nikhil Sardana
This problem setting can be extended to the Bayesian context, wherein rather than predicting a single label for each query data point, a model predicts a distribution of labels capturing its uncertainty.