1 code implementation • 24 May 2024 • Huy V. Vo, Vasil Khalidov, Timothée Darcet, Théo Moutakanni, Nikita Smetanin, Marc Szafraniec, Hugo Touvron, Camille Couprie, Maxime Oquab, Armand Joulin, Hervé Jégou, Patrick Labatut, Piotr Bojanowski
This manual process has some limitations similar to those encountered in supervised learning, e. g., the crowd-sourced selection of data is costly and time-consuming, preventing scaling the dataset size.
no code implementations • CVPR 2022 • David Novotny, Ignacio Rocco, Samarth Sinha, Alexandre Carlier, Gael Kerchenbaum, Roman Shapovalov, Nikita Smetanin, Natalia Neverova, Benjamin Graham, Andrea Vedaldi
Compared to weaker deformation models, this significantly reduces the reconstruction ambiguity and, for dynamic objects, allows Keypoint Transporter to obtain reconstructions of the quality superior or at least comparable to prior approaches while being much faster and reliant on a pre-trained monocular depth estimator network.
no code implementations • 15 Dec 2017 • Denis Fedorenko, Nikita Smetanin, Artem Rodichev
Retrieval-based conversation systems generally tend to highly rank responses that are semantically similar or even identical to the given conversation context.