Search Results for author: Niko Tsakalakis

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

A Methodology and Software Architecture to Support Explainability-by-Design

1 code implementation13 Jun 2022 Trung Dong Huynh, Niko Tsakalakis, Ayah Helal, Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon, Luc Moreau

The methodology consists of three phases: (A) Explanation Requirement Analysis, (B) Explanation Technical Design, and (C) Explanation Validation.

Decision Making Sentence

A taxonomy of explanations to support Explainability-by-Design

no code implementations9 Jun 2022 Niko Tsakalakis, Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon, Trung Dong Huynh, Luc Moreau

As automated decision-making solutions are increasingly applied to all aspects of everyday life, capabilities to generate meaningful explanations for a variety of stakeholders (i. e., decision-makers, recipients of decisions, auditors, regulators...) become crucial.

Decision Making

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