Search Results for author: Ning Ge

Found 18 papers, 1 papers with code

Structured Connectivity for 6G Reflex Arc: Task-Oriented Virtual User and New Uplink-Downlink Tradeoff

no code implementations24 Oct 2024 Xinran Fang, Chengleyang Lei, Wei Feng, Yunfei Chen, Ning Ge, Shi Jin

To maintain the task-level connections between the sensor-computing center link and the computing center-actuator link, we propose to treat the sensor and actuator as a virtual user.


Sensing-Communication-Computing-Control Closed-Loop Optimization for 6G Unmanned Robotic Systems

no code implementations24 Oct 2024 Xinran Fang, Chengleyang Lei, Wei Feng, Yunfei Chen, Ming Xiao, Ning Ge, Chengxiang Wang

We derive optimal closed-form solutions for intra-loop allocation and propose an efficient iterative algorithm for inter-loop optimization.


Edge Information Hub: Orchestrating Satellites, UAVs, MEC, Sensing and Communications for 6G Closed-Loop Controls

no code implementations11 Mar 2024 Chengleyang Lei, Wei Feng, Peng Wei, Yunfei Chen, Ning Ge, Shiwen Mao

Specifically, the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control cost is used to measure the closed-loop utility, and a sum LQR cost minimization problem is formulated to jointly optimize the splitting of sensor data and allocation of communication and computing resources.


Control-Oriented Deep Space Communications For Unmanned Space Exploration

no code implementations7 Aug 2023 Xinran Fang, Wei Feng, Yunfei Chen, Ning Ge, Gan Zheng

In this paper, we propose a communication optimization scheme for a specific cooperation system named the "mother-daughter system".

Truthful Transaction Protocol for E-Commerce Networks Based on Double Auction

no code implementations IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 2022 Jiachen Sun, Ning Ge, Xu Chen, Wei Feng, Jianhua Lu

This screening algorithm is customer-oriented and offers personalized commodities by preventing unqualified sellers from participating in the transaction.

Computational Efficiency

Control-Oriented Power Allocation for Integrated Satellite-UAV Networks

no code implementations31 Aug 2022 Chengleyang Lei, Wei Feng, Jue Wang, Shi Jin, Ning Ge

This letter presents a sensing-communication-computing-control (SC3) integrated satellite unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) network, where the UAV is equipped with on-board sensors, mobile edge computing (MEC) servers, base stations and satellite communication module.


Integrating Satellites and Mobile Edge Computing for 6G Wide-Area Edge Intelligence: Minimal Structures and Systematic Thinking

no code implementations16 Aug 2022 Yueshan Lin, Wei Feng, Ting Zhou, Yanmin Wang, Yunfei Chen, Ning Ge, Cheng-Xiang Wang

The sixth-generation (6G) network will shift its focus to supporting everything including various machine-type devices (MTDs) in an everyone-centric manner.

Edge-computing Management

Joint Communication and Sensing: Models and Potential of Using MIMO

no code implementations19 May 2022 Xinran Fang, Wei Feng, Yunfei Chen, Ning Ge, Yan Zhang

In this survey, we discuss joint communication and sensing (JCAS) in the context of MIMO.

Reinforcement Learning-Empowered Mobile Edge Computing for 6G Edge Intelligence

no code implementations27 Jan 2022 Peng Wei, Kun Guo, Ye Li, Jue Wang, Wei Feng, Shi Jin, Ning Ge, Ying-Chang Liang

Mobile edge computing (MEC) is considered a novel paradigm for computation-intensive and delay-sensitive tasks in fifth generation (5G) networks and beyond.

Edge-computing reinforcement-learning +2

Category-Adaptive Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations29 Mar 2021 Zhiming Wang, Yantian Luo, Danlan Huang, Ning Ge, Jianhua Lu

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) becomes more and more popular in tackling real-world problems without ground truth of the target domain.

Self-Supervised Learning Semantic Segmentation +1

MEC-Empowered Non-Terrestrial Network for 6G Wide-Area Time-Sensitive Internet of Things

no code implementations1 Mar 2021 Chengxiao Liu, Wei Feng, Xiaoming Tao, Ning Ge

Nevertheless, communication and MEC systems are coupled with each other under the influence of complex propagation environment in the MEC-empowered NTN, which makes it hard to orchestrate the resources.


Failure Prediction in Production Line Based on Federated Learning: An Empirical Study

no code implementations25 Jan 2021 Ning Ge, Guanghao Li, Li Zhang, Yi Liu Yi Liu

Data protection across organizations is limiting the application of centralized learning (CL) techniques.

Federated Learning

A Systematic Literature Review on Federated Learning: From A Model Quality Perspective

no code implementations1 Dec 2020 Yi Liu, Li Zhang, Ning Ge, Guanghao Li

In this process, the server uses an incentive mechanism to encourage clients to contribute high-quality and large-volume data to improve the global model.

Federated Learning Systematic Literature Review

Delay Characterization of Mobile Edge Computing for 6G Time-Sensitive Services

no code implementations17 Sep 2020 Jianyu Cao, Wei Feng, Ning Ge, Jianhua Lu

Only a few research efforts have been devoted to other random delay characteristics, such as the delay bound violation probability and the probability distribution of the delay, by decoupling the transmission and computation processes of MEC.


Cell-Free Satellite-UAV Networks for 6G Wide-Area Internet of Things

no code implementations22 Jul 2020 Chengxiao Liu, Wei Feng, Yunfei Chen, Cheng-Xiang Wang, Ning Ge

In fifth generation (5G) and beyond Internet of Things (IoT), it becomes increasingly important to serve a massive number of IoT devices outside the coverage of terrestrial cellular networks.


Enabling 5G on the Ocean: A Hybrid Satellite-UAV-Terrestrial Network Solution

no code implementations1 Jun 2020 Xiangling Li, Wei Feng, Jue Wang, Yunfei Chen, Ning Ge, Cheng-Xiang Wang

In this paper, we study the integration of UAVs with existing MCNs, and investigate the potential gains of hybrid satellite-UAV-terrestrial networks for maritime coverage.


Long short-term memory networks in memristor crossbars

1 code implementation30 May 2018 Can Li, Zhongrui Wang, Mingyi Rao, Daniel Belkin, Wenhao Song, Hao Jiang, Peng Yan, Yunning Li, Peng Lin, Miao Hu, Ning Ge, John Paul Strachan, Mark Barnell, Qing Wu, R. Stanley Williams, J. Joshua Yang, Qiangfei Xia

Recent breakthroughs in recurrent deep neural networks with long short-term memory (LSTM) units has led to major advances in artificial intelligence.

Emerging Technologies Applied Physics

Probabilistic Failure Analysis in Model Validation & Verification

no code implementations15 Nov 2016 Ning Ge, Marc Pantel, Xavier Crégut

Automated fault localization is an important issue in model validation and verification.

Fault localization model

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