no code implementations • 8 Nov 2023 • Yuliang Li, Nitin Kamra, Ruta Desai, Alon Halevy
The vision of creating AI-powered personal assistants also involves creating structured outputs, such as a plan for one's day, or for an overseas trip.
1 code implementation • ICCV 2023 • Dhruvesh Patel, Hamid Eghbalzadeh, Nitin Kamra, Michael Louis Iuzzolino, Unnat Jain, Ruta Desai
Given a succinct natural language goal, e. g., "make a shelf", and a video of the user's progress so far, the aim of VPA is to devise a plan, i. e., a sequence of actions such as "sand shelf", "paint shelf", etc.
1 code implementation • ICCV 2023 • Rishi Hazra, Brian Chen, Akshara Rai, Nitin Kamra, Ruta Desai
The goal in EgoTV is to verify the execution of tasks from egocentric videos based on the natural language description of these tasks.
no code implementations • 24 Jan 2023 • Engin Tekin, Elaheh Barati, Nitin Kamra, Ruta Desai
This requires efficient trade-offs between exploration of the environment and planning for rearrangement, which is challenging because of long-horizon nature of the problem.
no code implementations • 11 Jan 2023 • Weichao Mao, Ruta Desai, Michael Louis Iuzzolino, Nitin Kamra
Given video demonstrations and paired narrations of an at-home procedural task such as changing a tire, we present an approach to extract the underlying task structure -- relevant actions and their temporal dependencies -- via action-centric task graphs.
no code implementations • 1 Jan 2021 • Nitin Kamra, Yan Liu
Resource allocation for coverage of physical spaces is a challenging problem in robotic surveillance, mobile sensor networks and security domains.
no code implementations • 1 Jan 2021 • Nan Xu, Nitin Kamra, Yan Liu
Treatment recommendation is a complex multi-faceted problem with many conflicting objectives, e. g., optimizing the survival rate (or expected lifetime), mitigating negative impacts, reducing financial expenses and time costs, avoiding over-treatment, etc.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2020 • Nitin Kamra, Hao Zhu, Dweep Trivedi, Ming Zhang, Yan Liu
Trajectory prediction for scenes with multiple agents and entities is a challenging problem in numerous domains such as traffic prediction, pedestrian tracking and path planning.
no code implementations • 3 Sep 2020 • Nitin Kamra, Yizhou Zhang, Sirisha Rambhatla, Chuizheng Meng, Yan Liu
Epidemic spread in a population is traditionally modeled via compartmentalized models which represent the free evolution of disease in absence of any intervention policies.
1 code implementation • 29 May 2018 • Palash Goyal, Nitin Kamra, Xinran He, Yan Liu
The major advantages of DynGEM include: (1) the embedding is stable over time, (2) it can handle growing dynamic graphs, and (3) it has better running time than using static embedding methods on each snapshot of a dynamic graph.
Social and Information Networks
no code implementations • ICLR 2018 • Nitin Kamra, Umang Gupta, Yan Liu
This phenomenon called catastrophic forgetting is a fundamental challenge to overcome before neural networks can learn continually from incoming data.