Search Results for author: Noa Nabeshima

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Adversarial Training for High-Stakes Reliability

no code implementations3 May 2022 Daniel M. Ziegler, Seraphina Nix, Lawrence Chan, Tim Bauman, Peter Schmidt-Nielsen, Tao Lin, Adam Scherlis, Noa Nabeshima, Ben Weinstein-Raun, Daniel de Haas, Buck Shlegeris, Nate Thomas

We found that adversarial training increased robustness to the adversarial attacks that we trained on -- doubling the time for our contractors to find adversarial examples both with our tool (from 13 to 26 minutes) and without (from 20 to 44 minutes) -- without affecting in-distribution performance.

Text Generation Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

The Pile: An 800GB Dataset of Diverse Text for Language Modeling

21 code implementations31 Dec 2020 Leo Gao, Stella Biderman, Sid Black, Laurence Golding, Travis Hoppe, Charles Foster, Jason Phang, Horace He, Anish Thite, Noa Nabeshima, Shawn Presser, Connor Leahy

Recent work has demonstrated that increased training dataset diversity improves general cross-domain knowledge and downstream generalization capability for large-scale language models.

Diversity Language Modeling +1

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