no code implementations • 19 Oct 2024 • Chloe E. Shiff, Noah A. Rosenberg
Rooted binary perfect phylogenies provide a generalization of rooted binary unlabeled trees in which each leaf is assigned a positive integer value that corresponds in a biological setting to the count of the number of indistinguishable lineages associated with the leaf.
no code implementations • 22 Oct 2022 • Jazlyn A. Mooney, Lily Agranat-Tamir, Jonathan K. Pritchard, Noah A. Rosenberg
Using a mechanistic model of admixture, we characterize admixture genealogically: how many distinct ancestors from the source populations does the admixture represent?
no code implementations • 19 Nov 2021 • Egor Lappo, Noah A. Rosenberg
To a given gene tree topology $G$ and species tree topology $S$ with leaves labeled bijectively from a fixed set $X$, one can associate a set of ancestral configurations, each of which encodes a set of gene lineages that can be found at a given node of the species tree.
no code implementations • 10 Aug 2021 • Julia A. Palacios, Anand Bhaskar, Filippo Disanto, Noah A. Rosenberg
Here, we investigate enumerative properties of the set of binary ranked and unranked tree shapes that are compatible with a perfect phylogeny, and hence, the binary ranked and unranked tree shapes conditioned on an observed pattern of mutations under the in? nitely-many-sites mutation model.