Search Results for author: Nora Ayanian

Found 10 papers, 3 papers with code

FireFly A Synthetic Dataset for Ember Detection in Wildfire

1 code implementation6 Aug 2023 Yue Hu, Xinan Ye, Yifei Liu, Souvik Kundu, Gourav Datta, Srikar Mutnuri, Namo Asavisanu, Nora Ayanian, Konstantinos Psounis, Peter Beerel

This paper presents "FireFly", a synthetic dataset for ember detection created using Unreal Engine 4 (UE4), designed to overcome the current lack of ember-specific training resources.

Diversity object-detection +1

MAPFAST: A Deep Algorithm Selector for Multi Agent Path Finding using Shortest Path Embeddings

2 code implementations24 Feb 2021 Jingyao Ren, Vikraman Sathiyanarayanan, Eric Ewing, Baskin Senbaslar, Nora Ayanian

Solving the Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) problem optimally is known to be NP-Hard for both make-span and total arrival time minimization.

Multi-Agent Path Finding

Double Meta-Learning for Data Efficient Policy Optimization in Non-Stationary Environments

no code implementations21 Nov 2020 Elahe Aghapour, Nora Ayanian

In this paper, we propose a meta-reinforcement learning approach to learn the dynamic model of a non-stationary environment to be used for meta-policy optimization later.

Meta-Learning Meta Reinforcement Learning +4

Sim-to-(Multi)-Real: Transfer of Low-Level Robust Control Policies to Multiple Quadrotors

2 code implementations11 Mar 2019 Artem Molchanov, Tao Chen, Wolfgang Hönig, James A. Preiss, Nora Ayanian, Gaurav S. Sukhatme

Quadrotor stabilizing controllers often require careful, model-specific tuning for safe operation.


Lifelong Path Planning with Kinematic Constraints for Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery

no code implementations15 Dec 2018 Hang Ma, Wolfgang Hönig, T. K. Satish Kumar, Nora Ayanian, Sven Koenig

For example, we demonstrate that it can compute paths for hundreds of agents and thousands of tasks in seconds and is more efficient and effective than existing MAPD algorithms that use a post-processing step to adapt their paths to continuous agent movements with given velocities.

Persistent Monitoring of Stochastic Spatio-temporal Phenomena with a Small Team of Robots

no code implementations27 Apr 2018 Sahil Garg, Nora Ayanian

We propose an adaptive solution for the problem where stochastic real-world dynamics are modeled as a Gaussian Process (GP).

Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and Execution in Multi-Robot Systems

no code implementations30 Mar 2018 Hang Ma, Wolfgang Hönig, Liron Cohen, Tansel Uras, Hong Xu, T. K. Satish Kumar, Nora Ayanian, Sven Koenig

In the plan-generation phase, the framework provides a computationally scalable method for generating plans that achieve high-level tasks for groups of robots and take some of their kinematic constraints into account.

Path Planning with Kinematic Constraints for Robot Groups

no code implementations25 Apr 2017 Wolfgang Hönig, T. K. Satish Kumar, Liron Cohen, Hang Ma, Sven Koenig, Nora Ayanian

Path planning for multiple robots is well studied in the AI and robotics communities.

Overview: Generalizations of Multi-Agent Path Finding to Real-World Scenarios

no code implementations17 Feb 2017 Hang Ma, Sven Koenig, Nora Ayanian, Liron Cohen, Wolfgang Hoenig, T. K. Satish Kumar, Tansel Uras, Hong Xu, Craig Tovey, Guni Sharon

Multi-agent path finding (MAPF) is well-studied in artificial intelligence, robotics, theoretical computer science and operations research.

Multi-Agent Path Finding

Multiplayer Games for Learning Multirobot Coordination Algorithms

no code implementations20 Apr 2016 Arash Tavakoli, Haig Nalbandian, Nora Ayanian

This ability, if learned as a set of distributed multirobot coordination strategies, can enable programming large groups of robots to collaborate towards complex coordination objectives in a way similar to humans.

Decision Making

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