Search Results for author: Oded Ovadia

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Fine-Tuning or Retrieval? Comparing Knowledge Injection in LLMs

no code implementations10 Dec 2023 Oded Ovadia, Menachem Brief, Moshik Mishaeli, Oren Elisha

Large language models (LLMs) encapsulate a vast amount of factual information within their pre-trained weights, as evidenced by their ability to answer diverse questions across different domains.

RAG Retrieval

Real-time Inference and Extrapolation via a Diffusion-inspired Temporal Transformer Operator (DiTTO)

no code implementations18 Jul 2023 Oded Ovadia, Vivek Oommen, Adar Kahana, Ahmad Peyvan, Eli Turkel, George Em Karniadakis

The proposed method, named Diffusion-inspired Temporal Transformer Operator (DiTTO), is inspired by latent diffusion models and their conditioning mechanism, which we use to incorporate the temporal evolution of the PDE, in combination with elements from the transformer architecture to improve its capabilities.

Operator learning Super-Resolution

Understanding the Efficacy of U-Net & Vision Transformer for Groundwater Numerical Modelling

no code implementations8 Jul 2023 Maria Luisa Taccari, Oded Ovadia, He Wang, Adar Kahana, Xiaohui Chen, Peter K. Jimack

This paper presents a comprehensive comparison of various machine learning models, namely U-Net, U-Net integrated with Vision Transformers (ViT), and Fourier Neural Operator (FNO), for time-dependent forward modelling in groundwater systems.

ViTO: Vision Transformer-Operator

no code implementations15 Mar 2023 Oded Ovadia, Adar Kahana, Panos Stinis, Eli Turkel, George Em Karniadakis

We combine vision transformers with operator learning to solve diverse inverse problems described by partial differential equations (PDEs).

Operator learning Super-Resolution

A Convolutional Dispersion Relation Preserving Scheme for the Acoustic Wave Equation

no code implementations22 May 2022 Oded Ovadia, Adar Kahana, Eli Turkel

We propose an accurate numerical scheme for approximating the solution of the two dimensional acoustic wave problem.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Relation

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