Search Results for author: Ofir Gordon

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

EPTQ: Enhanced Post-Training Quantization via Hessian-guided Network-wise Optimization

1 code implementation20 Sep 2023 Ofir Gordon, Elad Cohen, Hai Victor Habi, Arnon Netzer

In addition, we leverage the Hessian upper bound to improve the weight quantization parameters selection by focusing on the more sensitive elements in the weight tensors.

Knowledge Distillation object-detection +3

Cooperative Multi-Agent Path Finding: Beyond Path Planning and Collision Avoidance

no code implementations23 May 2021 Nir Greshler, Ofir Gordon, Oren Salzman, Nahum Shimkin

We introduce the Cooperative Multi-Agent Path Finding (Co-MAPF) problem, an extension to the classical MAPF problem, where cooperative behavior is incorporated.

Collision Avoidance Multi-Agent Path Finding

Revisiting the Complexity Analysis of Conflict-Based Search: New Computational Techniques and Improved Bounds

no code implementations18 Apr 2021 Ofir Gordon, Yuval Filmus, Oren Salzman

In this work we revisit the complexity analysis of CBS to provide tighter bounds on the algorithm's run-time in the worst-case.

Multi-Agent Path Finding

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