Search Results for author: Oleg Maksimov

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Efficient Customer Service Combining Human Operators and Virtual Agents

no code implementations12 Sep 2022 Yaniv Oshrat, Yonatan Aumann, Tal Hollander, Oleg Maksimov, Anita Ostroumov, Natali Shechtman, Sarit Kraus

The prospect of combining human operators and virtual agents (bots) into an effective hybrid system that provides proper customer service to clients is promising yet challenging.

Uncertainty with UAV Search of Multiple Goal-oriented Targets

1 code implementation3 Mar 2022 Mor Sinay, Noa Agmon, Oleg Maksimov, Aviad Fux, Sarit Kraus

We suggest a real-time algorithmic framework for the UAVs, combining entropy and stochastic-temporal belief, that aims at optimizing the probability of a quick and successful detection of all of the targets.

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