1 code implementation • 17 Jan 2024 • Yanran Guan, Oliver van Kaick
Specifically, we experiment with multimodal deep generative models that allow sampling diverse suggestions for shape parts and focus on models which have not been considered in previous work on shape synthesis.
no code implementations • 15 Sep 2022 • Gengxin Liu, Oliver van Kaick, Hui Huang, Ruizhen Hu
Since the preparation of labeled data for training semantic segmentation networks of point clouds is a time-consuming process, weakly supervised approaches have been introduced to learn from only a small fraction of data.
1 code implementation • 9 May 2022 • Ruizhen Hu, Xiangyu Su, Xiangkai Chen, Oliver van Kaick, Hui Huang
The image translation network translates the color from the exemplar to a projection of the 3D shape and the part segmentation from the projection to the exemplar.
no code implementations • 29 Mar 2022 • I-Chao Shen, Yu Ju Chen, Oliver van Kaick, Takeo Igarashi
The key idea of our method is the use of the Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) algorithm and differentiable rendering to separately predict sequential topological actions and geometric actions.
no code implementations • 3 Mar 2021 • Ruizhen Hu, Bin Chen, Juzhan Xu, Oliver van Kaick, Oliver Deussen, Hui Huang
Given a set of star glyphs associated to multiple class labels, we propose to use shape context descriptors to measure the perceptual distance between pairs of glyphs, and use the derived silhouette coefficient to measure the perception of class separability within the entire set.
1 code implementation • 28 Jun 2020 • Ruizhen Hu, Zihao Yan, Jingwen Zhang, Oliver van Kaick, Ariel Shamir, Hao Zhang, Hui Huang
Given a 3D object in isolation, our functional similarity network (fSIM-NET), a variation of the triplet network, is trained to predict the functionality of the object by inferring functionality-revealing interaction contexts.
1 code implementation • 26 Jun 2020 • Zihao Yan, Ruizhen Hu, Xingguang Yan, Luanmin Chen, Oliver van Kaick, Hao Zhang, Hui Huang
We show results of simultaneous motion and part predictions from synthetic and real scans of 3D objects exhibiting a variety of part mobilities, possibly involving multiple movable parts.
1 code implementation • 9 May 2020 • Yanran Guan, Han Liu, Kun Liu, Kangxue Yin, Ruizhen Hu, Oliver van Kaick, Yan Zhang, Ersin Yumer, Nathan Carr, Radomir Mech, Hao Zhang
Our tool supports constrained modeling, allowing users to restrict or steer the model evolution with functionality labels.
no code implementations • 27 Apr 2020 • Ruizhen Hu, Zeyu Huang, Yuhan Tang, Oliver van Kaick, Hao Zhang, Hui Huang
The core component of our learning framework is a deep neural network, Graph2Plan, which converts a layout graph, along with a building boundary, into a floorplan that fulfills both the layout and boundary constraints.