no code implementations • LREC 2022 • Kévin Espasa, Emmanuel Morin, Olivier Hamon
The second objective is to rank these substitutes using the context of the sentence.
no code implementations • 20 Aug 2024 • Evan Dufraisse, Adrian Popescu, Julien Tourille, Armelle Brun, Olivier Hamon
Such tools should provide objective and subjective aspects at different granularity levels to make the analyses useful in practice.
no code implementations • JEPTALNRECITAL 2019 • Olivier Hamon, K{\'e}vin Espasa, Sara Quispe
Depuis plusieurs ann{\'e}es, Syllabs int{\`e}gre de nombreux composants au sein d{'}un agr{\'e}filter, utilisant des technologies d{'}extraction d{'}information d{\'e}velopp{\'e}es en interne et dans un contexte multilingue.
no code implementations • JEPTALNRECITAL 2018 • Chlo{\'e} Monnin, Olivier Hamon
Cet article pr{\'e}sente une m{\'e}thode permettant de collecter sur le web des informations compl{\'e}mentaires {\`a} une information pr{\'e}d{\'e}finie, afin de remplir une base de connaissances.
no code implementations • JEPTALNRECITAL 2018 • Chlo{\'e} Monnin, Olivier Quern{\'e}, Olivier Hamon
Nous pr{\'e}sentons la participation de Syllabs {\`a} la t{\^a}che de classification de tweets dans le domaine du transport lors de DEFT 2018.
no code implementations • LREC 2014 • Stelios Piperidis, Harris Papageorgiou, Christian Spurk, Georg Rehm, Khalid Choukri, Olivier Hamon, Nicoletta Calzolari, Riccardo Del Gratta, Bernardo Magnini, Christian Girardi
This paper presents META-SHARE (www. meta-share. eu), an open language resource infrastructure, and its usage since its Europe-wide deployment in early 2013.
no code implementations • LREC 2014 • Joseph Mariani, Patrick Paroubek, Gil Francopoulo, Olivier Hamon
It follows similar exercises that have been conducted, such as the survey on the IEEE ICASSP conference series from 1976 to 1990, which served in the launching of the ESCA Eurospeech conference, a survey of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL) over 50 years of existence, which was presented at the ACL conference in 2012, or a survey over the 25 years (1987-2012) of the conferences contained in the ISCA Archive, presented at Interspeech 2013.
no code implementations • LREC 2012 • Khalid Choukri, Victoria Arranz, Olivier Hamon, Jungyeul Park
This paper describes the International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN), a new identification schema for Language Resources where a Language Resource is provided with a unique and universal name using a standardized nomenclature.
no code implementations • LREC 2012 • Christian Federmann, Ioanna Giannopoulou, Christian Girardi, Olivier Hamon, Dimitris Mavroeidis, Salvatore Minutoli, Marc Schr{\"o}der
We explain the underlying motivation for such a distributed repository for metadata storage and give a detailed overview on the META-SHARE application and its various components.
no code implementations • LREC 2012 • Victoria Arranz, Olivier Hamon
For some years now, web services have been employed in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for a number of uses and within a number of sub-areas.
no code implementations • LREC 2012 • Marc Poch, Antonio Toral, Olivier Hamon, Valeria Quochi, N{\'u}ria Bel
This paper presents the platform developed in the PANACEA project, a distributed factory that automates the stages involved in the acquisition, production, updating and maintenance of Language Resources required by Machine Translation and other Language Technologies.