Search Results for author: Omid Mohareri

Found 18 papers, 1 papers with code

VidLPRO: A $\underline{Vid}$eo-$\underline{L}$anguage $\underline{P}$re-training Framework for $\underline{Ro}$botic and Laparoscopic Surgery

no code implementations7 Sep 2024 Mohammadmahdi Honarmand, Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Omid Mohareri

While existing surgical VL models primarily rely on contrastive learning, we propose a more comprehensive approach to capture the intricate temporal dynamics and align video with language.

Computational Efficiency Contrastive Learning +5

A Two-Stage Progressive Pre-training using Multi-Modal Contrastive Masked Autoencoders

no code implementations5 Aug 2024 Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Omid Mohareri

In the second stage, we further pre-train the model using masked autoencoding and denoising/noise prediction used in diffusion models.

Contrastive Learning Denoising +1

Rethinking RGB-D Fusion for Semantic Segmentation in Surgical Datasets

no code implementations29 Jul 2024 Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Omid Mohareri

Surgical scene understanding is a key technical component for enabling intelligent and context aware systems that can transform various aspects of surgical interventions.

Decoder Scene Understanding +1

Self-supervised Learning via Cluster Distance Prediction for Operating Room Context Awareness

no code implementations7 Jul 2024 Idris Hamoud, Alexandros Karargyris, Aidean Sharghi, Omid Mohareri, Nicolas Padoy

Semantic segmentation and activity classification are key components to creating intelligent surgical systems able to understand and assist clinical workflow.

Activity Recognition Scene Understanding +3

AdaEmbed: Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation in the Embedding Space

no code implementations23 Jan 2024 Ali Mottaghi, Mohammad Abdullah Jamal, Serena Yeung, Omid Mohareri

Our method's effectiveness is validated through extensive experiments on benchmark datasets such as DomainNet, Office-Home, and VisDA-C, where AdaEmbed consistently outperforms all the baselines, setting a new state of the art for SSDA.

Domain Adaptation Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation

Tracking and Mapping in Medical Computer Vision: A Review

no code implementations17 Oct 2023 Adam Schmidt, Omid Mohareri, Simon DiMaio, Michael C. Yip, Septimiu E. Salcudean

In this review, we provide an update to the field of camera-based tracking and scene mapping in surgery and diagnostics in medical computer vision.

Surgical Tattoos in Infrared: A Dataset for Quantifying Tissue Tracking and Mapping

no code implementations28 Sep 2023 Adam Schmidt, Omid Mohareri, Simon DiMaio, Septimiu E. Salcudean

STIR comprises hundreds of stereo video clips in both in-vivo and ex-vivo scenes with start and end points labelled in the IR spectrum.

M$^{3}$3D: Learning 3D priors using Multi-Modal Masked Autoencoders for 2D image and video understanding

no code implementations26 Sep 2023 Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Omid Mohareri

We present a new pre-training strategy called M$^{3}$3D ($\underline{M}$ulti-$\underline{M}$odal $\underline{M}$asked $\underline{3D}$) built based on Multi-modal masked autoencoders that can leverage 3D priors and learned cross-modal representations in RGB-D data.

2D Semantic Segmentation Action Detection +8

SurgMAE: Masked Autoencoders for Long Surgical Video Analysis

no code implementations19 May 2023 Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Omid Mohareri

There has been a growing interest in using deep learning models for processing long surgical videos, in order to automatically detect clinical/operational activities and extract metrics that can enable workflow efficiency tools and applications.

Self-Supervised Learning

SENDD: Sparse Efficient Neural Depth and Deformation for Tissue Tracking

no code implementations10 May 2023 Adam Schmidt, Omid Mohareri, Simon DiMaio, Septimiu E. Salcudean

SENDD enables multiple downstream applications that require estimation of 3D motion in stereo endoscopy.

Motion Estimation

Multi-Modal Unsupervised Pre-Training for Surgical Operating Room Workflow Analysis

no code implementations16 Jul 2022 Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Omid Mohareri

Data-driven approaches to assist operating room (OR) workflow analysis depend on large curated datasets that are time consuming and expensive to collect.

Activity Recognition Self-Supervised Learning +2

Adaptation of Surgical Activity Recognition Models Across Operating Rooms

no code implementations7 Jul 2022 Ali Mottaghi, Aidean Sharghi, Serena Yeung, Omid Mohareri

We propose a new domain adaptation method to improve the performance of the surgical activity recognition model in a new operating room for which we only have unlabeled videos.

Activity Recognition Domain Adaptation +1

An Empirical Study on Activity Recognition in Long Surgical Videos

no code implementations5 May 2022 Zhuohong He, Ali Mottaghi, Aidean Sharghi, Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Omid Mohareri

In this paper, we investigate many state-of-the-art backbones and temporal models to find architectures that yield the strongest performance for surgical activity recognition.

Action Detection Activity Detection +2

Surgical Workflow Recognition: from Analysis of Challenges to Architectural Study

no code implementations17 Mar 2022 Tobias Czempiel, Aidean Sharghi, Magdalini Paschali, Nassir Navab, Omid Mohareri

Algorithmic surgical workflow recognition is an ongoing research field and can be divided into laparoscopic (Internal) and operating room (External) analysis.

Automatic Operating Room Surgical Activity Recognition for Robot-Assisted Surgery

no code implementations29 Jun 2020 Aidean Sharghi, Helene Haugerud, Daniel Oh, Omid Mohareri

Automatic recognition of surgical activities in the operating room (OR) is a key technology for creating next generation intelligent surgical devices and workflow monitoring/support systems.

Action Recognition

A Robotic 3D Perception System for Operating Room Environment Awareness

no code implementations20 Mar 2020 Zhaoshuo Li, Amirreza Shaban, Jean-Gabriel Simard, Dinesh Rabindran, Simon DiMaio, Omid Mohareri

Purpose: We describe a 3D multi-view perception system for the da Vinci surgical system to enable Operating room (OR) scene understanding and context awareness.

3D Semantic Segmentation Scene Segmentation +2

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