Search Results for author: Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

Found 81 papers, 2 papers with code

SLTEV: Comprehensive Evaluation of Spoken Language Translation

1 code implementation EACL 2021 Ebrahim Ansari, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar, Barry Haddow, Mohammad Mahmoudi

SLTev reports the quality, latency, and stability of an SLT candidate output based on the time-stamped transcript and reference translation into a target language.

Machine Translation Translation


no code implementations WS 2020 Ebrahim Ansari, Amittai Axelrod, Nguyen Bach, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar, Roldano Cattoni, Fahim Dalvi, Nadir Durrani, Marcello Federico, Christian Federmann, Jiatao Gu, Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues, Juan Pino, Elizabeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian St{\"u}ker, Marco Turchi, Alex Waibel, er, Changhan Wang

The evaluation campaign of the International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2020) featured this year six challenge tracks: (i) Simultaneous speech translation, (ii) Video speech translation, (iii) Offline speech translation, (iv) Conversational speech translation, (v) Open domain translation, and (vi) Non-native speech translation.


Two Huge Title and Keyword Generation Corpora of Research Articles

no code implementations LREC 2020 Erion {\c{C}}ano, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

Recent developments in sequence-to-sequence learning with neural networks have considerably improved the quality of automatically generated text summaries and document keywords, stipulating the need for even bigger training corpora.

Text Summarization Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

Outbound Translation User Interface Ptakop\vet: A Pilot Study

no code implementations LREC 2020 Vil{\'e}m Zouhar, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

It is not uncommon for Internet users to have to produce a text in a foreign language they have very little knowledge of and are unable to verify the translation quality.


Idiap NMT System for WAT 2019 Multimodal Translation Task

no code implementations WS 2019 Shantipriya Parida, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar, Petr Motlicek

This paper describes the Idiap submission to WAT 2019 for the English-Hindi Multi-Modal Translation Task.

NMT Translation

Overview of the 6th Workshop on Asian Translation

no code implementations WS 2019 Toshiaki Nakazawa, Nobushige Doi, Shohei Higashiyama, Chenchen Ding, Raj Dabre, Hideya Mino, Isao Goto, Win Pa Pa, Anoop Kunchukuttan, Yusuke Oda, Shantipriya Parida, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar, Sadao Kurohashi

This paper presents the results of the shared tasks from the 6th workshop on Asian translation (WAT2019) including Ja↔En, Ja↔Zh scientific paper translation subtasks, Ja↔En, Ja↔Ko, Ja↔En patent translation subtasks, Hi↔En, My↔En, Km↔En, Ta↔En mixed domain subtasks and Ru↔Ja news commentary translation task.


Efficiency Metrics for Data-Driven Models: A Text Summarization Case Study

no code implementations WS 2019 Erion {\c{C}}ano, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

Using data-driven models for solving text summarization or similar tasks has become very common in the last years.

Text Summarization

A Test Suite and Manual Evaluation of Document-Level NMT at WMT19

no code implementations WS 2019 Kate{\v{r}}ina Rysov{\'a}, Magdal{\'e}na Rysov{\'a}, Tom{\'a}{\v{s}} Musil, Lucie Pol{\'a}kov{\'a}, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

As the quality of machine translation rises and neural machine translation (NMT) is moving from sentence to document level translations, it is becoming increasingly difficult to evaluate the output of translation systems.

Machine Translation NMT +2

CUNI Systems for the Unsupervised News Translation Task in WMT 2019

no code implementations WS 2019 Ivana Kvapil{\'\i}kov{\'a}, Dominik Mach{\'a}{\v{c}}ek, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

In this paper we describe the CUNI translation system used for the unsupervised news shared task of the ACL 2019 Fourth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT19).

Machine Translation Translation

SAO WMT19 Test Suite: Machine Translation of Audit Reports

1 code implementation WS 2019 Tereza Vojt{\v{e}}chov{\'a}, Michal Nov{\'a}k, Milo{\v{s}} Klou{\v{c}}ek, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

This paper describes a machine translation test set of documents from the auditing domain and its use as one of the {``}test suites{''} in the WMT19 News Translation Task for translation directions involving Czech, English and German.

Machine Translation Translation

CUNI Submission for Low-Resource Languages in WMT News 2019

no code implementations WS 2019 Tom Kocmi, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

This paper describes the CUNI submission to the WMT 2019 News Translation Shared Task for the low-resource languages: Gujarati-English and Kazakh-English.

Transfer Learning Translation

Unsupervised Pretraining for Neural Machine Translation Using Elastic Weight Consolidation

no code implementations ACL 2019 Du{\v{s}}an Vari{\v{s}}, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

In our method, we initialize the weights of the encoder and decoder with two language models that are trained with monolingual data and then fine-tune the model on parallel data using Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC) to avoid forgetting of the original language modeling task.

Decoder Language Modelling +3

Keyphrase Generation: A Text Summarization Struggle

no code implementations NAACL 2019 Erion {\c{C}}ano, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

Most of the proposed supervised and unsupervised methods for keyphrase generation are unable to produce terms that are valuable but do not appear in the text.

Keyphrase Generation Text Summarization

Testsuite on Czech--English Grammatical Contrasts

no code implementations WS 2018 Silvie Cinkov{\'a}, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

We present a pilot study of machine translation of selected grammatical contrasts between Czech and English in WMT18 News Translation Task.

Machine Translation Translation

Results of the WMT18 Metrics Shared Task: Both characters and embeddings achieve good performance

no code implementations WS 2018 Qingsong Ma, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar, Yvette Graham

We asked participants of this task to score the outputs of the MT systems involved in the WMT18 News Translation Task with automatic metrics.

Machine Translation Sentence +1

CUNI Submissions in WMT18

no code implementations WS 2018 Tom Kocmi, Roman Sudarikov, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

Our main focus was the low-resource language pair of Estonian and English for which we utilized Finnish parallel data in a simple method.

Machine Translation Translation

Are BLEU and Meaning Representation in Opposition?

no code implementations ACL 2018 Ond{\v{r}}ej C{\'\i}fka, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

One of possible ways of obtaining continuous-space sentence representations is by training neural machine translation (NMT) systems.

General Classification Machine Translation +4

CUNI NMT System for WAT 2017 Translation Tasks

no code implementations WS 2017 Tom Kocmi, Du{\v{s}}an Vari{\v{s}}, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

The paper presents this year{'}s CUNI submissions to the WAT 2017 Translation Task focusing on the Japanese-English translation, namely Scientific papers subtask, Patents subtask and Newswire subtask.

Machine Translation NMT +2

Enriching Source for English-to-Urdu Machine Translation

no code implementations WS 2016 Bushra Jawaid, Amir Kamran, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

This paper focuses on the generation of case markers for free word order languages that use case markers as phrasal clitics for marking the relationship between the dependent-noun and its head.

Machine Translation Translation

Two-Step Machine Translation with Lattices

no code implementations LREC 2014 Bushra Jawaid, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

The idea of two-step machine translation was introduced to divide the complexity of the search space into two independent steps: (1) lexical translation and reordering, and (2) conjugation and declination in the target language.

Language Modelling Lemmatization +3

A Tagged Corpus and a Tagger for Urdu

no code implementations LREC 2014 Bushra Jawaid, Amir Kamran, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar

In this paper, we describe a release of a sizeable monolingual Urdu corpus automatically tagged with part-of-speech tags.

Not an Interlingua, But Close: Comparison of English AMRs to Chinese and Czech

no code implementations LREC 2014 Nianwen Xue, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar, Jan Haji{\v{c}}, Martha Palmer, Zde{\v{n}}ka Ure{\v{s}}ov{\'a}, Xiuhong Zhang

Abstract Meaning Representations (AMRs) are rooted, directional and labeled graphs that abstract away from morpho-syntactic idiosyncrasies such as word category (verbs and nouns), word order, and function words (determiners, some prepositions).

Machine Translation Semantic Parsing +2

Automatic MT Error Analysis: Hjerson Helping Addicter

no code implementations LREC 2012 Jan Berka, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar, Mark Fishel, Maja Popovi{\'c}, Daniel Zeman

We present a complex, open source tool for detailed machine translation error analysis providing the user with automatic error detection and classification, several monolingual alignment algorithms as well as with training and test corpus browsing.

General Classification Machine Translation +1

Terra: a Collection of Translation Error-Annotated Corpora

no code implementations LREC 2012 Mark Fishel, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar, Maja Popovi{\'c}

Recently the first methods of automatic diagnostics of machine translation have emerged; since this area of research is relatively young, the efforts are not coordinated.

Machine Translation Translation

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