Search Results for author: Or Litany

Found 65 papers, 28 papers with code

Towards Precise Completion of Deformable Shapes

1 code implementation ECCV 2020 Oshri Halimi, Ido Imanuel, Or Litany, Giovanni Trappolini, Emanuele Rodolà, Leonidas Guibas, Ron Kimmel

Here, we claim that observing part of an object which was previously acquired as a whole, one could deal with both partial matching and shape completion in a holistic manner.


Robust Symmetry Detection via Riemannian Langevin Dynamics

no code implementations18 Sep 2024 Jihyeon Je, Jiayi Liu, Guandao Yang, Boyang Deng, Shengqu Cai, Gordon Wetzstein, Or Litany, Leonidas Guibas

In contrast, learning-based methods may be more robust to noise, but often overlook partial symmetries due to the scarcity of annotated data.

Symmetry Detection

OmniRe: Omni Urban Scene Reconstruction

no code implementations29 Aug 2024 Ziyu Chen, Jiawei Yang, Jiahui Huang, Riccardo de Lutio, Janick Martinez Esturo, Boris Ivanovic, Or Litany, Zan Gojcic, Sanja Fidler, Marco Pavone, Li Song, Yue Wang

To that end, we propose a comprehensive 3DGS framework for driving scenes, named OmniRe, that allows for accurate, full-length reconstruction of diverse dynamic objects in a driving log.

Zero-to-Hero: Enhancing Zero-Shot Novel View Synthesis via Attention Map Filtering

no code implementations29 May 2024 Ido Sobol, Chenfeng Xu, Or Litany

Generating realistic images from arbitrary views based on a single source image remains a significant challenge in computer vision, with broad applications ranging from e-commerce to immersive virtual experiences.

Denoising Novel View Synthesis

The NeRFect Match: Exploring NeRF Features for Visual Localization

no code implementations14 Mar 2024 Qunjie Zhou, Maxim Maximov, Or Litany, Laura Leal-Taixé

Significantly, we introduce NeRFMatch, an advanced 2D-3D matching function that capitalizes on the internal knowledge of NeRF learned via view synthesis.

regression Visual Localization

Approximately Piecewise E(3) Equivariant Point Networks

no code implementations13 Feb 2024 Matan Atzmon, Jiahui Huang, Francis Williams, Or Litany

Integrating a notion of symmetry into point cloud neural networks is a provably effective way to improve their generalization capability.

Uncertainty Quantification

Dynamic LiDAR Re-simulation using Compositional Neural Fields

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Hanfeng Wu, Xingxing Zuo, Stefan Leutenegger, Or Litany, Konrad Schindler, Shengyu Huang

We introduce DyNFL, a novel neural field-based approach for high-fidelity re-simulation of LiDAR scans in dynamic driving scenes.

3DiffTection: 3D Object Detection with Geometry-Aware Diffusion Features

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Chenfeng Xu, Huan Ling, Sanja Fidler, Or Litany

However, these features are initially trained on paired text and image data, which are not optimized for 3D tasks, and often exhibit a domain gap when applied to the target data.

3D Object Detection Novel View Synthesis +2

Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird's Eye View Segmentation

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Tzofi Klinghoffer, Jonah Philion, Wenzheng Chen, Or Litany, Zan Gojcic, Jungseock Joo, Ramesh Raskar, Sanja Fidler, Jose M. Alvarez

We introduce a technique for novel view synthesis and use it to transform collected data to the viewpoint of target rigs, allowing us to train BEV segmentation models for diverse target rigs without any additional data collection or labeling cost.

Autonomous Vehicles Novel View Synthesis

Neural Kernel Surface Reconstruction

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Jiahui Huang, Zan Gojcic, Matan Atzmon, Or Litany, Sanja Fidler, Francis Williams

We present a novel method for reconstructing a 3D implicit surface from a large-scale, sparse, and noisy point cloud.

Surface Reconstruction

Fast Monocular Scene Reconstruction with Global-Sparse Local-Dense Grids

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Wei Dong, Chris Choy, Charles Loop, Or Litany, Yuke Zhu, Anima Anandkumar

To apply this representation to monocular scene reconstruction, we develop a scale calibration algorithm for fast geometric initialization from monocular depth priors.

Indoor Scene Reconstruction

Neural LiDAR Fields for Novel View Synthesis

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Shengyu Huang, Zan Gojcic, Zian Wang, Francis Williams, Yoni Kasten, Sanja Fidler, Konrad Schindler, Or Litany

We present Neural Fields for LiDAR (NFL), a method to optimise a neural field scene representation from LiDAR measurements, with the goal of synthesizing realistic LiDAR scans from novel viewpoints.

Novel LiDAR View Synthesis Semantic Segmentation

Trace and Pace: Controllable Pedestrian Animation via Guided Trajectory Diffusion

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Davis Rempe, Zhengyi Luo, Xue Bin Peng, Ye Yuan, Kris Kitani, Karsten Kreis, Sanja Fidler, Or Litany

We introduce a method for generating realistic pedestrian trajectories and full-body animations that can be controlled to meet user-defined goals.

Collision Avoidance

UnScene3D: Unsupervised 3D Instance Segmentation for Indoor Scenes

no code implementations CVPR 2024 David Rozenberszki, Or Litany, Angela Dai

We propose UnScene3D, the first fully unsupervised 3D learning approach for class-agnostic 3D instance segmentation of indoor scans.

3D Instance Segmentation Segmentation +1

LION: Latent Point Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Generation

2 code implementations12 Oct 2022 Xiaohui Zeng, Arash Vahdat, Francis Williams, Zan Gojcic, Or Litany, Sanja Fidler, Karsten Kreis

To advance 3D DDMs and make them useful for digital artists, we require (i) high generation quality, (ii) flexibility for manipulation and applications such as conditional synthesis and shape interpolation, and (iii) the ability to output smooth surfaces or meshes.

3D Generation 3D Shape Generation +3

Mask3D: Mask Transformer for 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation

1 code implementation6 Oct 2022 Jonas Schult, Francis Engelmann, Alexander Hermans, Or Litany, Siyu Tang, Bastian Leibe

Modern 3D semantic instance segmentation approaches predominantly rely on specialized voting mechanisms followed by carefully designed geometric clustering techniques.

3D Instance Segmentation 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation +2

GET3D: A Generative Model of High Quality 3D Textured Shapes Learned from Images

3 code implementations22 Sep 2022 Jun Gao, Tianchang Shen, Zian Wang, Wenzheng Chen, Kangxue Yin, Daiqing Li, Or Litany, Zan Gojcic, Sanja Fidler

As several industries are moving towards modeling massive 3D virtual worlds, the need for content creation tools that can scale in terms of the quantity, quality, and diversity of 3D content is becoming evident.


MvDeCor: Multi-view Dense Correspondence Learning for Fine-grained 3D Segmentation

2 code implementations18 Aug 2022 Gopal Sharma, Kangxue Yin, Subhransu Maji, Evangelos Kalogerakis, Or Litany, Sanja Fidler

As a result, the learned 2D representations are view-invariant and geometrically consistent, leading to better generalization when trained on a limited number of labeled shapes compared to alternatives that utilize self-supervision in 2D or 3D alone.

Contrastive Learning Segmentation

Language-Grounded Indoor 3D Semantic Segmentation in the Wild

1 code implementation16 Apr 2022 David Rozenberszki, Or Litany, Angela Dai

Recent advances in 3D semantic segmentation with deep neural networks have shown remarkable success, with rapid performance increase on available datasets.

3D Semantic Segmentation Diversity +1

Learning Smooth Neural Functions via Lipschitz Regularization

no code implementations16 Feb 2022 Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu, Francis Williams, Alec Jacobson, Sanja Fidler, Or Litany

The latent descriptor of a neural field acts as a deformation handle for the 3D shape it represents.

Causal Scene BERT: Improving object detection by searching for challenging groups of data

no code implementations8 Feb 2022 Cinjon Resnick, Or Litany, Amlan Kar, Karsten Kreis, James Lucas, Kyunghyun Cho, Sanja Fidler

Our main contribution is a pseudo-automatic method to discover such groups in foresight by performing causal interventions on simulated scenes.

Autonomous Vehicles object-detection +1

Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Architectures using Graph HyperNetworks

no code implementations20 Jan 2022 Or Litany, Haggai Maron, David Acuna, Jan Kautz, Gal Chechik, Sanja Fidler

Standard Federated Learning (FL) techniques are limited to clients with identical network architectures.

Federated Learning

Generating Useful Accident-Prone Driving Scenarios via a Learned Traffic Prior

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Davis Rempe, Jonah Philion, Leonidas J. Guibas, Sanja Fidler, Or Litany

Scenario generation is formulated as an optimization in the latent space of this traffic model, perturbing an initial real-world scene to produce trajectories that collide with a given planner.

Autonomous Vehicles

Neural Fields in Visual Computing and Beyond

1 code implementation22 Nov 2021 Yiheng Xie, Towaki Takikawa, Shunsuke Saito, Or Litany, Shiqin Yan, Numair Khan, Federico Tombari, James Tompkin, Vincent Sitzmann, Srinath Sridhar

Recent advances in machine learning have created increasing interest in solving visual computing problems using a class of coordinate-based neural networks that parametrize physical properties of scenes or objects across space and time.

3D Reconstruction Image Animation +1

Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes

3 code implementations5 Oct 2021 Alexey Nekrasov, Jonas Schult, Or Litany, Bastian Leibe, Francis Engelmann

Since scene context helps reasoning about object semantics, current works focus on models with large capacity and receptive fields that can fully capture the global context of an input 3D scene.

3D Semantic Segmentation

Causal Scene BERT: Improving object detection by searching for challenging groups

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Cinjon Resnick, Or Litany, Amlan Kar, Karsten Kreis, James Lucas, Kyunghyun Cho, Sanja Fidler

We verify that the prioritized groups found via intervention are challenging for the object detector and show that retraining with data collected from these groups helps inordinately compared to adding more IID data.

Autonomous Vehicles object-detection +1

StrobeNet: Category-Level Multiview Reconstruction of Articulated Objects

no code implementations17 May 2021 Ge Zhang, Or Litany, Srinath Sridhar, Leonidas Guibas

We present StrobeNet, a method for category-level 3D reconstruction of articulating objects from one or more unposed RGB images.

3D Reconstruction Object

Vector Neurons: A General Framework for SO(3)-Equivariant Networks

4 code implementations ICCV 2021 Congyue Deng, Or Litany, Yueqi Duan, Adrien Poulenard, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Leonidas Guibas

Invariance and equivariance to the rotation group have been widely discussed in the 3D deep learning community for pointclouds.

Contrast to Divide: Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Learning with Noisy Labels

1 code implementation25 Mar 2021 Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Chaim Baskin, Avi Mendelson, Alex M. Bronstein, Or Litany

In this paper, we identify a "warm-up obstacle": the inability of standard warm-up stages to train high quality feature extractors and avert memorization of noisy labels.

Learning with noisy labels Memorization

Weakly Supervised Learning of Rigid 3D Scene Flow

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Zan Gojcic, Or Litany, Andreas Wieser, Leonidas J. Guibas, Tolga Birdal

We propose a data-driven scene flow estimation algorithm exploiting the observation that many 3D scenes can be explained by a collection of agents moving as rigid bodies.

Autonomous Driving Scene Flow Estimation +2

Self-Supervised Equivariant Scene Synthesis from Video

no code implementations1 Feb 2021 Cinjon Resnick, Or Litany, Cosmas Heiß, Hugo Larochelle, Joan Bruna, Kyunghyun Cho

We propose a self-supervised framework to learn scene representations from video that are automatically delineated into background, characters, and their animations.

Human 3D keypoints via spatial uncertainty modeling

no code implementations18 Dec 2020 Francis Williams, Or Litany, Avneesh Sud, Kevin Swersky, Andrea Tagliasacchi

We introduce a technique for 3D human keypoint estimation that directly models the notion of spatial uncertainty of a keypoint.

Keypoint Estimation

3DIoUMatch: Leveraging IoU Prediction for Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection

2 code implementations CVPR 2021 He Wang, Yezhen Cong, Or Litany, Yue Gao, Leonidas J. Guibas

On KITTI, we are the first to demonstrate semi-supervised 3D object detection and our method surpasses a fully supervised baseline from 1. 8% to 7. 6% under different label ratios and categories.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +1

Non-Rigid Puzzles

no code implementations26 Nov 2020 Or Litany, Emanuele Rodolà, Alex Bronstein, Michael Bronstein, Daniel Cremers

We assume to be given a reference shape and its multiple parts undergoing a non-rigid deformation.

Learned Equivariant Rendering without Transformation Supervision

no code implementations11 Nov 2020 Cinjon Resnick, Or Litany, Hugo Larochelle, Joan Bruna, Kyunghyun Cho

We propose a self-supervised framework to learn scene representations from video that are automatically delineated into objects and background.

ReLMoGen: Leveraging Motion Generation in Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Manipulation

no code implementations18 Aug 2020 Fei Xia, Chengshu Li, Roberto Martín-Martín, Or Litany, Alexander Toshev, Silvio Savarese

To validate our method, we apply ReLMoGen to two types of tasks: 1) Interactive Navigation tasks, navigation problems where interactions with the environment are required to reach the destination, and 2) Mobile Manipulation tasks, manipulation tasks that require moving the robot base.

Continuous Control Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning +4

PointContrast: Unsupervised Pre-training for 3D Point Cloud Understanding

2 code implementations ECCV 2020 Saining Xie, Jiatao Gu, Demi Guo, Charles R. Qi, Leonidas J. Guibas, Or Litany

To this end, we select a suite of diverse datasets and tasks to measure the effect of unsupervised pre-training on a large source set of 3D scenes.

Point Cloud Pre-training Representation Learning +4

Object-Centric Multi-View Aggregation

no code implementations20 Jul 2020 Shubham Tulsiani, Or Litany, Charles R. Qi, He Wang, Leonidas J. Guibas

We present an approach for aggregating a sparse set of views of an object in order to compute a semi-implicit 3D representation in the form of a volumetric feature grid.

Camera Pose Estimation Novel View Synthesis +2

Representation Learning Through Latent Canonicalizations

no code implementations26 Feb 2020 Or Litany, Ari Morcos, Srinath Sridhar, Leonidas Guibas, Judy Hoffman

We seek to learn a representation on a large annotated data source that generalizes to a target domain using limited new supervision.


On Learning Sets of Symmetric Elements

2 code implementations ICML 2020 Haggai Maron, Or Litany, Gal Chechik, Ethan Fetaya

We first characterize the space of linear layers that are equivariant both to element reordering and to the inherent symmetries of elements, like translation in the case of images.

3D Shape Recognition Deblurring +1

Continuous Geodesic Convolutions for Learning on 3D Shapes

no code implementations6 Feb 2020 Zhangsihao Yang, Or Litany, Tolga Birdal, Srinath Sridhar, Leonidas Guibas

In this work, we wish to challenge this practice and use a neural network to learn descriptors directly from the raw mesh.

ImVoteNet: Boosting 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds with Image Votes

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Charles R. Qi, Xinlei Chen, Or Litany, Leonidas J. Guibas

Compared to prior work on multi-modal detection, we explicitly extract both geometric and semantic features from the 2D images.

Ranked #2 on 3D Object Detection on SUN-RGBD (using extra training data)

3D geometry 3D Object Detection +2

The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Nonrigid Parts

1 code implementation27 Jan 2020 Oshri Halimi, Ido Imanuel, Or Litany, Giovanni Trappolini, Emanuele Rodolà, Leonidas Guibas, Ron Kimmel

Here, we claim that observing part of an object which was previously acquired as a whole, one could deal with both partial matching and shape completion in a holistic manner.


Self-supervised Learning of Dense Shape Correspondence

1 code implementation6 Dec 2018 Oshri Halimi, Or Litany, Emanuele Rodolà, Alex Bronstein, Ron Kimmel

The resulting learning model is class-agnostic, and is able to leverage any type of deformable geometric data for the training phase.

Self-Supervised Learning

Class-Aware Fully-Convolutional Gaussian and Poisson Denoising

1 code implementation20 Aug 2018 Tal Remez, Or Litany, Raja Giryes, Alex M. Bronstein

We propose a fully-convolutional neural-network architecture for image denoising which is simple yet powerful.

Image Denoising

Dual-Primal Graph Convolutional Networks

no code implementations3 Jun 2018 Federico Monti, Oleksandr Shchur, Aleksandar Bojchevski, Or Litany, Stephan Günnemann, Michael M. Bronstein

In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in developing deep learning methods for non-Euclidean structured data such as graphs.

Graph Attention Recommendation Systems

SOSELETO: A Unified Approach to Transfer Learning and Training with Noisy Labels

1 code implementation ICLR 2019 Or Litany, Daniel Freedman

We present SOSELETO (SOurce SELEction for Target Optimization), a new method for exploiting a source dataset to solve a classification problem on a target dataset.

Bilevel Optimization Classification +2

Efficient Deformable Shape Correspondence via Kernel Matching

1 code implementation25 Jul 2017 Zorah Lähner, Matthias Vestner, Amit Boyarski, Or Litany, Ron Slossberg, Tal Remez, Emanuele Rodolà, Alex Bronstein, Michael Bronstein, Ron Kimmel, Daniel Cremers

We present a method to match three dimensional shapes under non-isometric deformations, topology changes and partiality.

Deep Class Aware Denoising

1 code implementation6 Jan 2017 Tal Remez, Or Litany, Raja Giryes, Alex M. Bronstein

We further show that a significant boost in performance of up to $0. 4$ dB PSNR can be achieved by making our network class-aware, namely, by fine-tuning it for images belonging to a specific semantic class.

Image Denoising Image Enhancement

Deep Convolutional Denoising of Low-Light Images

3 code implementations6 Jan 2017 Tal Remez, Or Litany, Raja Giryes, Alex M. Bronstein

Poisson distribution is used for modeling noise in photon-limited imaging.

Astronomy Denoising

Cloud Dictionary: Sparse Coding and Modeling for Point Clouds

3 code implementations15 Dec 2016 Or Litany, Tal Remez, Alex Bronstein

With the development of range sensors such as LIDAR and time-of-flight cameras, 3D point cloud scans have become ubiquitous in computer vision applications, the most prominent ones being gesture recognition and autonomous driving.

Autonomous Driving Denoising +1

Image reconstruction from dense binary pixels

no code implementations6 Dec 2015 Or Litany, Tal Remez, Alex Bronstein

Recently, the dense binary pixel Gigavision camera had been introduced, emulating a digital version of the photographic film.

Image Reconstruction

ASIST: Automatic Semantically Invariant Scene Transformation

no code implementations4 Dec 2015 Or Litany, Tal Remez, Daniel Freedman, Lior Shapira, Alex Bronstein, Ran Gal

We present ASIST, a technique for transforming point clouds by replacing objects with their semantically equivalent counterparts.


A Picture is Worth a Billion Bits: Real-Time Image Reconstruction from Dense Binary Pixels

no code implementations15 Oct 2015 Tal Remez, Or Litany, Alex Bronstein

In this work, we study a variant of a sensor with binary threshold pixels and propose a reconstruction algorithm combining an ML data fitting term with a sparse synthesis prior.

Image Reconstruction Quantization

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