Search Results for author: Oren Salzman

Found 11 papers, 3 papers with code

Terraforming -- Environment Manipulation during Disruptions for Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery

no code implementations19 May 2023 David Vainshtein, Yaakov Sherma, Kiril Solovey, Oren Salzman

In automated warehouses, teams of mobile robots fulfill the packaging process by transferring inventory pods to designated workstations while navigating narrow aisles formed by tightly packed pods.

Wall Street Tree Search: Risk-Aware Planning for Offline Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations6 Nov 2022 Dan Elbaz, Gal Novik, Oren Salzman

However, this promise also bears the drawback of this setting as the restricted dataset induces uncertainty because the agent can encounter unfamiliar sequences of states and actions that the training data did not cover.

Decision Making Offline RL +2

T*$\varepsilon$ -- Bounded-Suboptimal Efficient Motion Planning for Minimum-Time Planar Curvature-Constrained Systems

no code implementations4 Apr 2022 Doron Pinsky, Petr Váňa, Jan Faigl, Oren Salzman

We demonstrate using empirical evaluation that our planning framework can reduce the runtime by several orders of magnitude compared to the state-of-the-art while still providing guarantees on the quality of the solution.

Motion Planning

Multi-Agent Terraforming: Efficient Multi-Agent Path Finding via Environment Manipulation

no code implementations20 Mar 2022 David Vainshtein, Kiril Solovey, Oren Salzman

Multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) is concerned with planning collision-free paths for a team of agents from their start to goal locations in an environment cluttered with obstacles.

Multi-Agent Path Finding

Towards Predicting Fine Finger Motions from Ultrasound Images via Kinematic Representation

1 code implementation10 Feb 2022 Dean Zadok, Oren Salzman, Alon Wolf, Alex M. Bronstein

A central challenge in building robotic prostheses is the creation of a sensor-based system able to read physiological signals from the lower limb and instruct a robotic hand to perform various tasks.

Electromyography (EMG)

Leveraging Experience in Lifelong Multi-Agent Pathfinding

1 code implementation9 Feb 2022 Nitzan Madar, Kiril Solovey, Oren Salzman

Therefore, a solution to one query informs the next query, which leads to similarity with respect to the agents' start and goal positions, and how collisions need to be resolved from one query to the next.

Multi-Agent Path Finding

Cooperative Multi-Agent Path Finding: Beyond Path Planning and Collision Avoidance

no code implementations23 May 2021 Nir Greshler, Ofir Gordon, Oren Salzman, Nahum Shimkin

We introduce the Cooperative Multi-Agent Path Finding (Co-MAPF) problem, an extension to the classical MAPF problem, where cooperative behavior is incorporated.

Collision Avoidance Multi-Agent Path Finding

Revisiting the Complexity Analysis of Conflict-Based Search: New Computational Techniques and Improved Bounds

no code implementations18 Apr 2021 Ofir Gordon, Yuval Filmus, Oren Salzman

In this work we revisit the complexity analysis of CBS to provide tighter bounds on the algorithm's run-time in the worst-case.

Multi-Agent Path Finding

Anytime Motion Planning on Large Dense Roadmaps with Expensive Edge Evaluations

1 code implementation10 Nov 2017 Shushman Choudhury, Oren Salzman, Sanjiban Choudhury, Christopher M. Dellin, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa

We propose an algorithmic framework for efficient anytime motion planning on large dense geometric roadmaps, in domains where collision checks and therefore edge evaluations are computationally expensive.


The Provable Virtue of Laziness in Motion Planning

no code implementations11 Oct 2017 Nika Haghtalab, Simon Mackenzie, Ariel D. Procaccia, Oren Salzman, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa

The Lazy Shortest Path (LazySP) class consists of motion-planning algorithms that only evaluate edges along shortest paths between the source and target.

Robotics Data Structures and Algorithms

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