no code implementations • 20 May 2024 • Yang Dai, Oubo Ma, Longfei Zhang, Xingxing Liang, Shengchao Hu, Mengzhu Wang, Shouling Ji, Jincai Huang, Li Shen
Transformer-based trajectory optimization methods have demonstrated exceptional performance in offline Reinforcement Learning (offline RL), yet it poses challenges due to substantial parameter size and limited scalability, which is particularly critical in sequential decision-making scenarios where resources are constrained such as in robots and drones with limited computational power.
1 code implementation • 6 Feb 2024 • Oubo Ma, Yuwen Pu, Linkang Du, Yang Dai, Ruo Wang, Xiaolei Liu, Yingcai Wu, Shouling Ji
Furthermore, we evaluate three potential defenses aimed at exploring ways to mitigate security threats posed by adversarial policies, providing constructive recommendations for deploying MARL in competitive environments.