2 code implementations • CVPR 2020 • Oytun Ulutan, A. S. M. Iftekhar, B. S. Manjunath
Comprehensive visual understanding requires detection frameworks that can effectively learn and utilize object interactions while analyzing objects individually.
Ranked #24 on Human-Object Interaction Detection on V-COCO
2 code implementations • 30 Dec 2018 • Oytun Ulutan, Swati Rallapalli, Mudhakar Srivatsa, Carlos Torres, B. S. Manjunath
While observing complex events with multiple actors, humans do not assess each actor separately, but infer from the context.
no code implementations • 2 Aug 2018 • ShreeRanjani SrirangamSridharan, Oytun Ulutan, Shehzad Noor Taus Priyo, Swati Rallapalli, Mudhakar Srivatsa
However, the addition of a depth image can be further used to segment images that might otherwise have identical color information.
1 code implementation • 20 Dec 2017 • Oytun Ulutan, Benjamin S. Riggan, Nasser M. Nasrabadi, B. S. Manjunath
We propose a new order preserving bilinear framework that exploits low-resolution video for person detection in a multi-modal setting using deep neural networks.