Search Results for author: Ozan Vardal

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Learning Run-time Safety Monitors for Machine Learning Components

no code implementations23 Jun 2024 Ozan Vardal, Richard Hawkins, Colin Paterson, Chiara Picardi, Daniel Omeiza, Lars Kunze, Ibrahim Habli

A critical part of this is to be able to monitor when the performance of the model at runtime (as a result of changes) poses a safety risk to the system.

ETHER: Aligning Emergent Communication for Hindsight Experience Replay

no code implementations28 Jul 2023 Kevin Denamganaï, Daniel Hernandez, Ozan Vardal, Sondess Missaoui, James Alfred Walker

We show that the referential game's agents make an artificial language emerge that is aligned with the natural-like language used to describe goals in the BabyAI benchmark and that it is expressive enough so as to also describe unsuccessful RL trajectories and thus provide feedback to the RL agent to leverage the linguistic, structured information contained in all trajectories.

Inductive Bias Instruction Following +1

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