Search Results for author: P. Ellen Grant

Found 23 papers, 13 papers with code

Shape-aware Segmentation of the Placenta in BOLD Fetal MRI Time Series

1 code implementation8 Dec 2023 S. Mazdak Abulnaga, Neel Dey, Sean I. Young, Eileen Pan, Katherine I. Hobgood, Clinton J. Wang, P. Ellen Grant, Esra Abaci Turk, Polina Golland

In this work, we propose a machine learning segmentation framework for placental BOLD MRI and apply it to segmenting each volume in a time series.

Placenta Segmentation Segmentation +1

Dynamic Neural Fields for Learning Atlases of 4D Fetal MRI Time-series

1 code implementation6 Nov 2023 Zeen Chi, Zhongxiao Cong, Clinton J. Wang, Yingcheng Liu, Esra Abaci Turk, P. Ellen Grant, S. Mazdak Abulnaga, Polina Golland, Neel Dey

We apply our method to learning subject-specific atlases and motion stabilization of dynamic BOLD MRI time-series of fetuses in utero.

Time Series

Zero-DeepSub: Zero-Shot Deep Subspace Reconstruction for Rapid Multiparametric Quantitative MRI Using 3D-QALAS

1 code implementation4 Jul 2023 Yohan Jun, Yamin Arefeen, Jaejin Cho, Shohei Fujita, Xiaoqing Wang, P. Ellen Grant, Borjan Gagoski, Camilo Jaimes, Michael S. Gee, Berkin Bilgic

Using an ISMRM/NIST system phantom, the accuracy and reproducibility of the T1 and T2 maps estimated using the proposed methods were evaluated by comparing them with reference techniques.

Computer-Vision Benchmark Segment-Anything Model (SAM) in Medical Images: Accuracy in 12 Datasets

no code implementations18 Apr 2023 Sheng He, Rina Bao, Jingpeng Li, Jeffrey Stout, Atle Bjornerud, P. Ellen Grant, Yangming Ou

Associations of SAM's accuracy with six factors were computed, independently and jointly, including segmentation difficulties as measured by segmentation ability score and by Dice overlap in U-Net, image dimension, size of the target region, image modality, and contrast.

Image Segmentation Medical Image Segmentation +3

U-Netmer: U-Net meets Transformer for medical image segmentation

no code implementations3 Apr 2023 Sheng He, Rina Bao, P. Ellen Grant, Yangming Ou

The global-context information among local patches is learnt by the self-attention mechanism in Transformer and U-Net segments each local patch instead of flattening into tokens to solve the `token-flatten" problem.

Image Segmentation Medical Image Segmentation +2

SSL-QALAS: Self-Supervised Learning for Rapid Multiparameter Estimation in Quantitative MRI Using 3D-QALAS

no code implementations28 Feb 2023 Yohan Jun, Jaejin Cho, Xiaoqing Wang, Michael Gee, P. Ellen Grant, Berkin Bilgic, Borjan Gagoski

Conclusion: The proposed SSL-QALAS method enabled rapid reconstruction of multiparametric maps from 3D-QALAS measurements without an external dictionary or labeled ground-truth training data.

Self-Supervised Learning Transfer Learning

Segmentation Ability Map: Interpret deep features for medical image segmentation

1 code implementation19 Dec 2022 Sheng He, Yanfang Feng, P. Ellen Grant, Yangming Ou

In addition, our method can provide a mean SA score which can give a performance estimation of the output on the test images without ground-truth.

Image Segmentation Medical Image Segmentation +2

Automatic Segmentation of the Placenta in BOLD MRI Time Series

1 code implementation4 Aug 2022 S. Mazdak Abulnaga, Sean I. Young, Katherine Hobgood, Eileen Pan, Clinton J. Wang, P. Ellen Grant, Esra Abaci Turk, Polina Golland

In this work, we propose a machine learning model based on a U-Net neural network architecture to automatically segment the placenta in BOLD MRI and apply it to segmenting each volume in a time series.

Placenta Segmentation Time Series +1

SVoRT: Iterative Transformer for Slice-to-Volume Registration in Fetal Brain MRI

1 code implementation22 Jun 2022 Junshen Xu, Daniel Moyer, P. Ellen Grant, Polina Golland, Juan Eugenio Iglesias, Elfar Adalsteinsson

Experiments with real-world MRI data are also performed to demonstrate the ability of the proposed model to improve the quality of 3D reconstruction under severe fetal motion.

3D Reconstruction

Deep Relation Learning for Regression and Its Application to Brain Age Estimation

no code implementations13 Apr 2022 Sheng He, Yanfang Feng, P. Ellen Grant, Yangming Ou

In this paper, we propose deep relation learning for regression, aiming to learn different relations between a pair of input images.

Age Estimation regression +1

Volumetric Parameterization of the Placenta to a Flattened Template

1 code implementation15 Nov 2021 S. Mazdak Abulnaga, Esra Abaci Turk, Mikhail Bessmeltsev, P. Ellen Grant, Justin Solomon, Polina Golland

However, due to the curved and highly variable in vivo shape of the placenta, interpreting and visualizing these images is difficult.

Anatomy Local Distortion

Rapid head-pose detection for automated slice prescription of fetal-brain MRI

no code implementations8 Oct 2021 Malte Hoffmann, Esra Abaci Turk, Borjan Gagoski, Leah Morgan, Paul Wighton, M. Dylan Tisdall, Martin Reuter, Elfar Adalsteinsson, P. Ellen Grant, Lawrence L. Wald, André J. W. van der Kouwe

In fetal-brain MRI, head-pose changes between prescription and acquisition present a challenge to obtaining the standard sagittal, coronal and axial views essential to clinical assessment.

Global-Local Transformer for Brain Age Estimation

1 code implementation3 Sep 2021 Sheng He, P. Ellen Grant, Yangming Ou

The fine-grained information from the local patches are fused with the global-context information by the attention mechanism, inspired by the transformer, to estimate the brain age.

Age Estimation

Enhanced detection of fetal pose in 3D MRI by Deep Reinforcement Learning with physical structure priors on anatomy

no code implementations16 Jul 2020 Molin Zhang, Junshen Xu, Esra Abaci Turk, P. Ellen Grant, Polina Golland, Elfar Adalsteinsson

The proposed DRL for fetal pose landmark search demonstrates a potential clinical utility for online detection of fetal motion that guides real-time mitigation of motion artifacts as well as health diagnosis during MRI of the pregnant mother.

Anatomy Decision Making

Semi-Supervised Learning for Fetal Brain MRI Quality Assessment with ROI consistency

no code implementations23 Jun 2020 Junshen Xu, Sayeri Lala, Borjan Gagoski, Esra Abaci Turk, P. Ellen Grant, Polina Golland, Elfar Adalsteinsson

The proposed method is also implemented and evaluated on an MR scanner, which demonstrates the feasibility of online image quality assessment and image reacquisition during fetal MR scans.

Image Quality Assessment

Brain Age Estimation Using LSTM on Children's Brain MRI

no code implementations20 Feb 2020 Sheng He, Randy L. Gollub, Shawn N. Murphy, Juan David Perez, Sanjay Prabhu, Rudolph Pienaar, Richard L. Robertson, P. Ellen Grant, Yangming Ou

Brain age prediction based on children's brain MRI is an important biomarker for brain health and brain development analysis.

Age Estimation

Placental Flattening via Volumetric Parameterization

1 code implementation12 Mar 2019 S. Mazdak Abulnaga, Esra Abaci Turk, Mikhail Bessmeltsev, P. Ellen Grant, Justin Solomon, Polina Golland

We formulate our method as a map from the in vivo shape to a flattened template that minimizes the symmetric Dirichlet energy to control distortion throughout the volume.


Temporal Registration in Application to In-utero MRI Time Series

no code implementations6 Mar 2019 Ruizhi Liao, Esra A. Turk, Miaomiao Zhang, Jie Luo, Elfar Adalsteinsson, P. Ellen Grant, Polina Golland

To achieve accurate and robust alignment, we make a Markov assumption on the nature of motion and take advantage of the temporal smoothness in the image data.

Time Series Time Series Alignment

Network Structural Dependency in the Human Connectome Across the Life-Span

1 code implementation23 Oct 2018 Markus D. Schirmer, Ai Wern Chung, P. Ellen Grant, Natalia S. Rost

Principles of network topology have been widely studied in the human connectome.

Neurons and Cognition

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