Search Results for author: Pablo Guillen-Rondon

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Support Vector Machine Application for Multiphase Flow Pattern Prediction

no code implementations12 Jun 2018 Pablo Guillen-Rondon, Melvin D. Robinson, Carlos Torres, Eduardo Pereya

In this paper a data analytical approach featuring support vector machines (SVM) is employed to train a predictive model over an experimentaldataset, which consists of the most relevant studies for two-phase flow pattern prediction.

General Classification Prediction

Deep Learning as a Tool to Predict Flow Patterns in Two-Phase Flow

no code implementations19 May 2017 Mohammadmehdi Ezzatabadipour, Parth Singh, Melvin D. Robinson, Pablo Guillen-Rondon, Carlos Torres

In order to better model complex real-world data such as multiphase flow, one approach is to develop pattern recognition techniques and robust features that capture the relevant information.

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