Search Results for author: Panpan Zhang

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

DisenGCD: A Meta Multigraph-assisted Disentangled Graph Learning Framework for Cognitive Diagnosis

1 code implementation23 Oct 2024 Shangshang Yang, Mingyang Chen, Ziwen Wang, Xiaoshan Yu, Panpan Zhang, Haiping Ma, Xingyi Zhang

To tackle the issues, this paper suggests a meta multigraph-assisted disentangled graph learning framework for CD (DisenGCD), which learns three types of representations on three disentangled graphs: student-exercise-concept interaction, exercise-concept relation, and concept dependency graphs, respectively.

cognitive diagnosis Graph Attention +1

DiffAug: Enhance Unsupervised Contrastive Learning with Domain-Knowledge-Free Diffusion-based Data Augmentation

1 code implementation10 Sep 2023 Zelin Zang, Hao Luo, Kai Wang, Panpan Zhang, Fan Wang, Stan. Z Li, Yang You

With the help of iterative training of the semantic encoder and diffusion model, DiffAug improves the representation ability in an uninterrupted and unsupervised manner.

Contrastive Learning Data Augmentation +2

An Efficient Training Approach for Very Large Scale Face Recognition

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Kai Wang, Shuo Wang, Panpan Zhang, Zhipeng Zhou, Zheng Zhu, Xiaobo Wang, Xiaojiang Peng, Baigui Sun, Hao Li, Yang You

This method adopts Dynamic Class Pool (DCP) for storing and updating the identities features dynamically, which could be regarded as a substitute for the FC layer.

 Ranked #1 on Face Verification on IJB-C (training dataset metric)

Face Recognition Face Verification

Regional and Sectoral Structures and Their Dynamics of Chinese Economy: A Network Perspective from Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables

no code implementations24 Feb 2021 Tao Wang, Shiying Xiao, Jun Yan, Panpan Zhang

Quantified metrics assessing the relative importance of the province-sectors in the national economy echo the national and regional economic development policies to a certain extent.

Community Detection Physics and Society General Economics Economics Applications

AU-Guided Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Facial Expression Recognition

no code implementations18 Dec 2020 Kai Wang, Yuxin Gu, Xiaojiang Peng, Panpan Zhang, Baigui Sun, Hao Li

The domain diversities including inconsistent annotation and varied image collection conditions inevitably exist among different facial expression recognition (FER) datasets, which pose an evident challenge for adapting the FER model trained on one dataset to another one.

Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition (FER) +1

A Unified Model for Recommendation with Selective Neighborhood Modeling

no code implementations19 Oct 2020 Jingwei Ma, Jiahui Wen, Panpan Zhang, Guangda Zhang, Xue Li

To address this issue, we propose a novel neighborhood-based recommender, where a hybrid gated network is designed to automatically separate similar neighbors from dissimilar (noisy) ones, and aggregate those similar neighbors to comprise neighborhood representations.

Collaborative Filtering

Visual Object Tracking by Segmentation with Graph Convolutional Network

no code implementations5 Sep 2020 Bo Jiang, Panpan Zhang, Lili Huang

The proposed model provides a general end-to-end framework which integrates i) label linear prediction, and ii) structure-aware feature information of each superpixel together to obtain object segmentation and further improves the performance of tracking.

Object Segmentation +3

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