1 code implementation • 29 Oct 2020 • Kelly Payette, Priscille de Dumast, Hamza Kebiri, Ivan Ezhov, Johannes C. Paetzold, Suprosanna Shit, Asim Iqbal, Romesa Khan, Raimund Kottke, Patrice Grehten, Hui Ji, Levente Lanczi, Marianna Nagy, Monika Beresova, Thi Dao Nguyen, Giancarlo Natalucci, Theofanis Karayannis, Bjoern Menze, Meritxell Bach Cuadra, Andras Jakab
It is critical to quantitatively analyse the developing human fetal brain in order to fully understand neurodevelopment in both normal fetuses and those with congenital disorders.