Search Results for author: Patrick Chiang

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Sub-SA: Strengthen In-context Learning via Submodular Selective Annotation

1 code implementation8 Jul 2024 Jian Qian, Miao Sun, Sifan Zhou, Ziyu Zhao, Ruizhi Hun, Patrick Chiang

In Sub-SA, we design a submodular function that facilitates effective subset selection for annotation and demonstrates the characteristics of monotonically and submodularity from the theoretical perspective.

Diversity In-Context Learning

FotonNet: A HW-Efficient Object Detection System Using 3D-Depth Segmentation and 2D-DNN Classifier

no code implementations19 Nov 2018 Gurjeet Singh, Sun Miao, Shi Shi, Patrick Chiang

Recently, low-cost 3D-image sensors, such as the Microsoft Kinect (Time-of-Flight) or the Apple FaceID (Structured-Light), can provide 3D-depth or point cloud data that can be added to a convolutional neural network, acting as an extra set of dimensions.

Object object-detection +1

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