Search Results for author: Patrick Spieler

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Few-shot Semantic Learning for Robust Multi-Biome 3D Semantic Mapping in Off-Road Environments

no code implementations10 Nov 2024 Deegan Atha, Xianmei Lei, Shehryar Khattak, Anna Sabel, Elle Miller, Aurelio Noca, Grace Lim, Jeffrey Edlund, Curtis Padgett, Patrick Spieler

Off-road environments pose significant perception challenges for high-speed autonomous navigation due to unstructured terrain, degraded sensing conditions, and domain-shifts among biomes.

2D Semantic Segmentation Autonomous Navigation +2

RoadRunner M&M -- Learning Multi-range Multi-resolution Traversability Maps for Autonomous Off-road Navigation

no code implementations17 Sep 2024 Manthan Patel, Jonas Frey, Deegan Atha, Patrick Spieler, Marco Hutter, Shehryar Khattak

RoadRunner M&M achieves a significant improvement of up to 50% for elevation mapping and 30% for traversability estimation over RoadRunner, and is able to predict in 30% more regions compared to X-Racer while achieving real-time performance.

Robot Navigation

RoadRunner -- Learning Traversability Estimation for Autonomous Off-road Driving

no code implementations29 Feb 2024 Jonas Frey, Manthan Patel, Deegan Atha, Julian Nubert, David Fan, Ali Agha, Curtis Padgett, Patrick Spieler, Marco Hutter, Shehryar Khattak

Furthermore, RoadRunner improves the system latency by a factor of roughly 4, from 500 ms to 140 ms, while improving the accuracy for traversability costs and elevation map predictions.

Autonomous Driving Autonomous Navigation +1

Pixel to Elevation: Learning to Predict Elevation Maps at Long Range using Images for Autonomous Offroad Navigation

no code implementations30 Jan 2024 Chanyoung Chung, Georgios Georgakis, Patrick Spieler, Curtis Padgett, Ali Agha, Shehryar Khattak

We experimentally validate the applicability of our proposed approach for autonomous offroad robotic navigation in complex and unstructured terrain using real-world offroad driving data.

TRADE: Object Tracking with 3D Trajectory and Ground Depth Estimates for UAVs

no code implementations7 Oct 2022 Pedro F. Proença, Patrick Spieler, Robert A. Hewitt, Jeff Delaune

We propose TRADE for robust tracking and 3D localization of a moving target in cluttered environments, from UAVs equipped with a single camera.

Depth Estimation Object Tracking

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