1 code implementation • 28 Oct 2022 • Dorian Cazeneuve, Franck Marchis, Guillaume Blaclard, Paul A. Dalba, Victor Martin, Joé Asencioa
We propose to design and build an algorithm that will use a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and observations from the Unistellar network to reliably detect asteroid occultations.
1 code implementation • 15 Nov 2018 • Paul A. Dalba, Stephen R. Kane, Thomas Barclay, Jacob L. Bean, Tiago L. Campante, Joshua Pepper, Darin Ragozzine, Margaret C. Turnbull
From these probabilities, we predict that $25. 5^{+0. 7}_{-0. 7}$ of the known RV exoplanets should transit their host stars.
Earth and Planetary Astrophysics