no code implementations • 12 Feb 2024 • Mohamad Dhaini, Maxime Berar, Paul Honeine, Antonin Van Exem
Contrastive learning has demonstrated great effectiveness in representation learning especially for image classification tasks.
no code implementations • 9 Mar 2022 • Ahmed Rida Sekkat, Yohan Dupuis, Varun Ravi Kumar, Hazem Rashed, Senthil Yogamani, Pascal Vasseur, Paul Honeine
In this work, we release a synthetic version of the surround-view dataset, covering many of its weaknesses and extending it.
1 code implementation • 7 Jan 2022 • Rosana El Jurdi, Caroline Petitjean, Veronika Cheplygina, Paul Honeine, Fahed Abdallah
To enforce anatomical plausibility, recent research studies have focused on incorporating prior knowledge such as object shape or boundary, as constraints in the loss function.
2 code implementations • 8 Jun 2021 • Muhammet Balcilar, Pierre Héroux, Benoit Gaüzère, Pascal Vasseur, Sébastien Adam, Paul Honeine
Since the Message Passing (Graph) Neural Networks (MPNNs) have a linear complexity with respect to the number of nodes when applied to sparse graphs, they have been widely implemented and still raise a lot of interest even though their theoretical expressive power is limited to the first order Weisfeiler-Lehman test (1-WL).
1 code implementation • ICLR 2021 • Muhammet Balcilar, Guillaume Renton, Pierre Héroux, Benoit Gaüzère, Sébastien Adam, Paul Honeine
Since the graph isomorphism problem is NP-intermediate, and Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) test can give sufficient but not enough evidence in polynomial time, the theoretical power of GNNs is usually evaluated by the equivalence of WL-test order, followed by an empirical analysis of the models on some reference inductive and transductive datasets.
no code implementations • 16 Nov 2020 • Rosana El Jurdi, Caroline Petitjean, Paul Honeine, Veronika Cheplygina, Fahed Abdallah
Today, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated state of the art performance for supervised medical image segmentation, across various imaging modalities and tasks.
no code implementations • 11 May 2020 • Daniel Alshamaa, Farah Chehade, Paul Honeine
Indoor localization has become an important issue for wireless sensor networks.
2 code implementations • 26 Mar 2020 • Muhammet Balcilar, Guillaume Renton, Pierre Heroux, Benoit Gauzere, Sebastien Adam, Paul Honeine
Moreover, the proposed framework is used to design new convolutions in spectral domain with a custom frequency profile while applying them in the spatial domain.
Ranked #1 on Node Classification on Cora: fixed 20 node per class
1 code implementation • Pattern Recognition 2019 • Linlin Jia, Benoit Gaüzère, Paul Honeine
In this work, we propose a thorough investigation and comparison of graph kernels based on different linear patterns, namely walks and paths.
Ranked #36 on Graph Classification on MUTAG
no code implementations • 12 Sep 2017 • Yuan Liu, Stéphane Canu, Paul Honeine, Su Ruan
Sparse representation learning has recently gained a great success in signal and image processing, thanks to recent advances in dictionary learning.
no code implementations • 26 Aug 2016 • Xi Liu, Badong Chen, Bin Xu, Zongze Wu, Paul Honeine
To improve the robustness of the UKF against impulsive noises, a new filter for nonlinear systems is proposed in this work, namely the maximum correntropy unscented filter (MCUF).
no code implementations • 4 Feb 2016 • Fei Zhu, Abderrahim Halimi, Paul Honeine, Badong Chen, Nanning Zheng
In hyperspectral images, some spectral bands suffer from low signal-to-noise ratio due to noisy acquisition and atmospheric effects, thus requiring robust techniques for the unmixing problem.
no code implementations • 22 Jan 2015 • Paul Honeine, Fei Zhu
Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a powerful class of feature extraction techniques that has been successfully applied in many fields, namely in signal and image processing.
no code implementations • 1 Nov 2014 • Paul Honeine
More generally than the linear decomposition, overcomplete kernel dictionaries provide an elegant nonlinear extension by defining the atoms through a mapping kernel function (e. g., the gaussian kernel).
no code implementations • 21 Sep 2014 • Paul Honeine
Many signal processing and machine learning methods share essentially the same linear-in-the-parameter model, with as many parameters as available samples as in kernel-based machines.
no code implementations • 21 Sep 2014 • Paul Honeine
For this purpose, several online sparsification criteria have been proposed to restrict the model definition on a subset of samples.
no code implementations • 16 Jul 2014 • Fei Zhu, Paul Honeine, Maya Kallas
The nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is widely used in signal and image processing, including bio-informatics, blind source separation and hyperspectral image analysis in remote sensing.
no code implementations • 10 Jul 2014 • Paul Honeine
Furthermore, we explore the outer product matrices, by providing several results connecting the largest eigenvectors of the covariance matrix and its non-centered counterpart.