Search Results for author: Paul Reisert

Found 18 papers, 2 papers with code

Ain't Misbehavin' -- Using LLMs to Generate Expressive Robot Behavior in Conversations with the Tabletop Robot Haru

no code implementations18 Feb 2024 Zining Wang, Paul Reisert, Eric Nichols, Randy Gomez

We develop a custom, state-of-the-art emotion recognition model to dynamically select the robot's tone of voice and utilize emojis from LLM output as cues for generating robot actions.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +3

Teach Me How to Improve My Argumentation Skills: A Survey on Feedback in Argumentation

no code implementations28 Jul 2023 Camélia Guerraoui, Paul Reisert, Naoya Inoue, Farjana Sultana Mim, Shoichi Naito, Jungmin Choi, Irfan Robbani, Wenzhi Wang, Kentaro Inui

The use of argumentation in education has been shown to improve critical thinking skills for end-users such as students, and computational models for argumentation have been developed to assist in this process.

A Comparative Study on Collecting High-Quality Implicit Reasonings at a Large-scale

no code implementations16 Apr 2021 Keshav Singh, Paul Reisert, Naoya Inoue, Kentaro Inui

We construct a preliminary dataset of 6, 000 warrants annotated over 600 arguments for 3 debatable topics.

Natural Language Understanding

Corruption Is Not All Bad: Incorporating Discourse Structure into Pre-training via Corruption for Essay Scoring

no code implementations13 Oct 2020 Farjana Sultana Mim, Naoya Inoue, Paul Reisert, Hiroki Ouchi, Kentaro Inui

Existing approaches for automated essay scoring and document representation learning typically rely on discourse parsers to incorporate discourse structure into text representation.

Automated Essay Scoring Language Modeling +5

Improving Evidence Detection by Leveraging Warrants

no code implementations WS 2019 Keshav Singh, Paul Reisert, Naoya Inoue, Pride Kavumba, Kentaro Inui

Recognizing the implicit link between a claim and a piece of evidence (i. e. warrant) is the key to improving the performance of evidence detection.

Riposte! A Large Corpus of Counter-Arguments

no code implementations8 Oct 2019 Paul Reisert, Benjamin Heinzerling, Naoya Inoue, Shun Kiyono, Kentaro Inui

Counter-arguments (CAs), one form of constructive feedback, have been proven to be useful for critical thinking skills.

Analytic Score Prediction and Justification Identification in Automated Short Answer Scoring

no code implementations WS 2019 Tomoya Mizumoto, Hiroki Ouchi, Yoriko Isobe, Paul Reisert, Ryo Nagata, Satoshi Sekine, Kentaro Inui

This paper provides an analytical assessment of student short answer responses with a view to potential benefits in pedagogical contexts.

An Empirical Study of Span Representations in Argumentation Structure Parsing

no code implementations ACL 2019 Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Hiroki Ouchi, Naoya Inoue, Paul Reisert, Toshinori Miyoshi, Jun Suzuki, Kentaro Inui

For several natural language processing (NLP) tasks, span representation design is attracting considerable attention as a promising new technique; a common basis for an effective design has been established.

Feasible Annotation Scheme for Capturing Policy Argument Reasoning using Argument Templates

1 code implementation WS 2018 Paul Reisert, Naoya Inoue, Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Kentaro Inui

Most of the existing works on argument mining cast the problem of argumentative structure identification as classification tasks (e. g. attack-support relations, stance, explicit premise/claim).

Argument Mining Document Summarization +2

A Corpus of Deep Argumentative Structures as an Explanation to Argumentative Relations

no code implementations7 Dec 2017 Paul Reisert, Naoya Inoue, Naoaki Okazaki, Kentaro Inui

Our coverage result of 74. 6% indicates that argumentative relations can reasonably be explained by our small pattern set.

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